
Key points

  • Promoting DSMES and highlighting its value are critical to ensure sustainability so services can continue over time.
  • Many factors contribute to sustainability, including referrals, individual participation, billing, and collection of copayments or fees.
  • Find out how to plan for sustainability early in the planning and implementation process.
Five jars with change in each from very little money with a seedling to a full jar with a full-grown plant.

Plan for sustainability

Review the tools and resources in the following sections to help address sustainability:

Revenue streams

DSMES services should consider revenue streams that are complementary to DSMES. These include medical nutrition therapy, medication therapy management, and the National Diabetes Prevention Program’s lifestyle change program.

Increase referrals and participation

To increase referrals and participation, identify and address barriers to DSMES attendance. Consider promoting locations and hours that are appealing to both people with diabetes and referring health care providers (including telehealth, pharmacies, churches, and community centers). Nontraditional DSMES settings and providers, such as pharmacies and pharmacists, can increase community access to DSMES.

The overall sustainability goal is for the organization to incorporate DSMES so it becomes a standard part of business operations. Engaging leaders, key stakeholders, partners, staff, and funders is essential to guarantee success and sustainability. Following the business plan, evaluating the service, and using continuous quality improvement techniques also can help ensure lasting success.

Medical Nutrition Therapy