Health Care Provider Follow-Up

Key points

Active provider follow-up with people with diabetes is essential. Follow-up reinforces self-care advice and gives providers an opportunity to connect patients to DSMES services.

A health care provider following up with a patient by phone

Importance of follow-up

Health care providers typically discuss the importance of self-care with people once they receive a diabetes diagnosis, including these topics:

  • Monitoring blood glucose
  • Taking medication as prescribed
  • Doing regular physical activity
  • Eating healthy
  • Managing weight

Actively following up with people with diabetes and reinforcing self-care advice is an essential step for providers. Follow-up can also help increase enrollment in DSMES services. Referring providers and DSMES providers can add follow-up reminders to their routine processes to help increase enrollment and attendance.

Linking patients to DSMES services can help them sustain healthy behaviors needed to manage their diabetes. Use the American Diabetes Association Plan as part of ongoing diabetes support to identify local resources for:

  • Mental health
  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Smoking cessation
  • Support groups