DSMES Promotion Playbook Details

Key points

The DSMES Promotion Playbook is a new way to talk about DSMES. It provides consistent messaging to help CDC and its partners promote DSMES so that more people are aware of it, reach out to learn more, and ask their health care provider for a referral.

Three images of people smiling with the text: DSMES Promotion Playbook, a new way to talk about DSMES services, with the CDC logo.

Changing the way we talk about DSMES services

How would you describe diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) services to a neighbor? Would they understand and want to learn more for themselves and their loved ones?

Using plain language helps promotes concise and consistent communication. A plain language description of DSMES was tailored for people with diabetes, health care providers, and partners.

Messaging for people with diabetes

Through DSMES, you will:

  • Work with a diabetes care and education specialist (DCES) to set and track goals.
  • Learn to manage diabetes using knowledge, skills, and tools.
  • Build confidence and emotional strength.
  • Practice how to fit diabetes care into all of your daily routines.
  • Find ways to get support (in person and online) from your:
    • Family
    • Friends
    • Community
    • Health care team

Ask a health care provider or find a local program through the following resources:

  • Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists
  • American Diabetes Association

Messaging for health care providers and partners

DSMES services help people with diabetes manage their diabetes in ways that fit their lifestyle. Participants will:

  • Work with a DCES to set and track goals.
  • Learn to manage diabetes using knowledge, skills, and tools.
  • Build confidence and emotional strength.
  • Practice how to fit diabetes care into all of their daily routines.
  • Find ways to get support (in person and online) from their:
    • Family.
    • Friends.
    • Community.
    • Health care team.

Features of the DSMES Promotion Playbook

The DSMES Promotion Playbook contains:

  • Letter and email templates
  • Talking points
  • Flyers
  • Posters
  • Postcards
  • Digital ads

These materials can be customized with your local program information.

DSMES Promotion Playbook Materials Frequently Asked Questions