CVD Certified Assays and Participants

Key points

  • The certification process ensures that the method in question is accurate and reliable.
  • Ongoing certification also assures end users that the product stays accurate and reliable.
  • CDC Clinical Standardization Programs (CDC CSPs) are voluntary; however, participation has continued to increase over time, with over 500 program participants in over 30 countries.
Male scientist in laboratory

List of CRMLN certified manufacturers

Certified manufactures meet CDC’s analytical performance criteria and, and therefore are considered CDC-certified. Certificates are issued by CDC for each analytical system evaluated. The date used on the certificate as the “Date of Comparison” indicates when data is analyzed at the CRMLN member laboratory. Certificates for manufacturers expire two years after the “date of comparison”.

Number of Certificates Issued to Manufacturers by Participant Type and Analyte

Number of Certificates Issued to Manufacturers by Participant Type and Analyte
Last 12 months 34 27 14 75
Last 5 years 150 155 99 404

Lists of Certified Manufacturers

List of CRMLN certified clinical laboratories

Certified clinical laboratories meet CDC’s analytical performance criteria, and therefore are considered CDC-certified. Certificates are issued for each analytical system evaluated. The date used on the certificate as the “Date of Comparison” indicates when data is analyzed at the CRMLN member laboratory. Certificates for clinical laboratories expire six months after the date the evaluation is performed.

Number of Certificates for Total Cholesterol Issued to Clinical Laboratories in the Past 5 Years

Number of Certificates for Total Cholesterol Issued to Clinical Laboratories in the Past 5 Years
Last 12 months 320
Last 5 years 1604

List of certified LSP participants

Clinical and research laboratories meeting the analytical performance criteria used by the LSP receive a certificate of performance and are considered ‘standardized to the CDC Reference Laboratory’. Certification is a continuous process, and participants are only certified for the quarters in which they participated. Currently, CDC issues certificates for Total Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol and Total Glycerides.


LSP Certified Participants Q2 2024

LSP Certified Participants Q1 2024


LSP Certified Participants Q4 2023

LSP Certified Participants Q3 2023

LSP Certified Participants Q2 2023

LSP Certified Participants Q1 2023


LSP Certified Participants Q4 2022

LSP Certified Participants Q3 2022

LSP Certified Participants Q2 2022

LSP Certified Participants Q1 2022


LSP Certified Participants Q4 2021

LSP Certified Participants Q3 2021

LSP Certified Participants Q2 2021

LSP Certified Participants Q1 2021

Contact the program

Any questions, please contact CDC CVD Standardization Programs at: