Next Generation Sequencing Workgroup

At a glance

The Next Generation Sequencing Workgroup is charged with providing input to Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) for consideration in making recommendations to HHS on personnel requirements.


The workgroup is charged with providing input to CLIAC for consideration in making recommendations to the Department of Health and Human Services on education, training, experience, and competencies that Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) should require to qualify personnel performing next-generation sequencing bioinformatic data analysis and interpretation.


No reports are currently available.

Officers and members


Nirali M. Patel, MD

Senior Pathologist

Designated Federal Officer

Heather L. Stang, MS, MLS

Senior Advisor for Clinical Laboratories
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee Executive Secretary
Division of Laboratory Systems
Office of Laboratory Science and Safety
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Ex Officio Members

Diego Arambula, PhD

Quality Team Lead
Quality and Safety Systems Branch
Division of Laboratory Systems
Office of Laboratory Science and Safety
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Penny Keller, BS, MB(ASCP)

Clinical Laboratory Scientist
Division of Clinical Laboratory Improvement and Quality
Quality, Safety and Oversight Group
Centers for Clinical Standards and Quality
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Amy Zale, MT(ASCP)

Division of Program Operations and Management
Office of In Vitro Diagnostics
Office of Product Evaluation and Quality
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Food and Drug Administration