Expanding the National Approach to Chronic Disease Education and Awareness Funding Opportunity

At a glance

Expanding the National Approach for Chronic Disease Education and Awareness (CDC-RFA-DP-24-0021) is a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for a grant to be supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Photo illustration of a keyboard with an "apply now" button on it.

About the funding opportunity

Deadline for Applications: May 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EDT

CDC anticipates making up to six awards ranging from $300,000 through $400,000 (average: $325,000). The grant’s period of performance is 3 years from September 30, 2024, through September 29, 2027, pending continued funding.


CDC will be hosting an informational call on March 25, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT for those interested in submitting an application.

ZoomGov Meeting
ID: 160 482 3640, Passcode: CDEANOFO2!
By phone: +1-669-254-5252,1604823640#

Purpose of the funding opportunity

The purpose of this NOFO is to expand and advance CDC’s work with partners on education, outreach, and public awareness activities for a variety of chronic diseases for which there is a clear disparity in public and professional awareness and that are not currently funded a direct CDC and/or NCCDPHP appropriations line. This approach would strengthen the science base for prevention, education, and public health awareness for a variety of chronic diseases that are often unrecognized or poorly understood and do not currently have dedicated resources that would lead to meaningful patient outcomes.

Letter of intent

A letter of intent to apply for funding is requested, but not required. The purpose of a letter of intent is to allow CDC program staff to estimate the number of and plan for the review of submitted applications. Your letter of intent should include the chronic disease you will be proposing. Submit your letter of intent via email, no later than April 10, 2024, to:

Stephanie Hinton, CPM, MHS, MA
Project Officer, Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
Division of Population Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA 30341

Apply for this funding opportunity