U.S. Virgin Islands

At a glance

This page includes information about CASPERs that took place in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The information includes the year, type, event, location, report (if applicable), and purpose of the CASPER.


CASPER addressing Hurricanes Irma and Maria recovery

Type: Recovery

Event: Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Location: U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John)

Purpose: To continue to monitor the community and the ongoing recovery efforts related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the USVI Department of Health conducted a fourth follow-up CASPER in October 2019 to:

  • Identify ongoing recovery needs within the community
  • Gauge the continuing community recovery process
  • Describe perceived physical health and behavioral health effects associated with the storms
  • Identify information gaps and preferred communication strategies for the hurricane response and recovery efforts
  • Assess household characteristics associated with vector control

Report: Unpublished report and fact sheet

CASPER addressing Hurricanes Irma and Maria recovery

Type: Recovery

Event: Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Location: U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St Thomas, St John)

Purpose: To continue to monitor the community and the ongoing recovery efforts related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the USVI Department of Health conducted a third follow-up CASPER in May 2019 to:

  • Identify ongoing recovery needs within the community
  • Gauge the continuing community recovery process
  • Describe perceived physical health and behavioral health effects associated with the storms
  • Identify information gaps and preferred communication strategies for the hurricane response and recovery efforts
  • Assess household characteristics associated with vector control

Report: Unpublished report


CASPER addressing Hurricanes Irma and Maria recovery

Type: Recovery

Event: Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Location: U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. John)

Purpose: To continue to monitor the community and the ongoing recovery efforts related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the USVI Department of Health conducted a second follow-up CASPER in November 2018 to:

  • Identify ongoing recovery needs within the community
  • Gauge the continuing community recovery process
  • Describe perceived physical health and behavioral health effects associated with the storms
  • Identify information gaps and preferred communication strategies for the hurricane response and recovery efforts
  • Assess household characteristics associated with vector control

Report: Unpublished report

CASPER addressing Hurricanes Irma and Maria recovery

Type: Recovery

Event: Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Location: U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St Thomas, St John)

Purpose: To assist with ongoing recovery efforts related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the USVI Department of Health conducted a follow-up CASPER in February 2018 (3 months after the initial response CASPER) to:

  • Identify ongoing recovery needs within the community
  • Gauge the continuing community recovery process
  • Describe perceived physical health and behavioral health effects associated with the storms
  • Identify information gaps and preferred communication strategies for the hurricane response and recovery efforts
  • Assess household characteristics associated with vector control

Report: Addressing Community Needs During the Hurricane Response and Recovery Efforts Through Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) – United States Virgin Islands, 2017-2018


CASPER addressing Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Type: Response

Event: Hurricanes Irma and Maria

Location: St. Croix and St. Thomas/St. John

Purpose: To assist with ongoing response and recovery efforts related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the USVI Department of Health requested technical assistance from CDC through the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Response Agency (VITEMA) to conduct two CASPERs to assess the experience and health of residents before, during, and after the hurricanes:

  1. St. Croix during November 7-8, 2017
  2. St. Thomas and St. John during November 13-14, 2017

The CASPERs were part of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT) response effort on the islands.

The CASPERs specifically aimed to:

  • Address the ongoing response efforts within the community
  • Assess household and environmental characteristics
  • Describe perceived physical and behavioral health effects
  • Identify information gaps and preferred communication strategies
  • Gauge the current needs of the community

Report: Addressing Community Needs During the Hurricane Response and Recovery Efforts Through Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) – United States Virgin Islands, 2017-2018


Type: Response/Preparedness

Event: Zika and Emergency Preparedness

Location: U.S. Virgin Islands

Purpose: Public health officials have reported that mosquitoes in the US Virgin Islands are infected with Zika virus and are spreading it to people. Sexual transmission of Zika is also possible. While many people with Zika do not get sick, among those who do develop symptoms, sickness is usually mild with symptoms that last for several days to a week. However, a pregnant woman can pass Zika virus to her fetus and infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects.

CDC recommends special precautions for pregnant women and women who are trying to become pregnant. The objectives of the CASPER were to assess territory residents' knowledge, practices, and attitudes pertaining to Zika virus prevention; identify information gaps and communication strategies for strengthening Zika education campaigns; and assess household and environmental qualities associated with vector control and proliferation.

Report: Community Assessments for Mosquito Prevention and Control Experiences, Attitudes, and Practices — U.S. Virgin Islands, 2017 and 2018