
At a glance

This page includes information about CASPERs that took place in Tennessee. The information includes the year, type, event, location, report (if applicable), and purpose of the CASPER.


Henderson County Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER)

Type: Preparedness

Location: Henderson County

Purpose: This CASPER served to exercise incident command staff and to establish a baseline on the following:

  • Household level, self-reported concerns about mosquito-borne illness
  • Knowledge of mosquito-borne illness prevention methods
  • Household level emergency preparedness
  • Preferred sources of health information
  • Awareness of health department services in Henderson County


Cross-border exercise, Tennessee and Kentucky

Type: Preparedness

Event: Exercise

Purpose: Cross-border exercise with TN/KY


Preparedness, environmental health, and RAPID training

Type: Preparedness

Location: Henry County

Purpose: Preparedness, environmental health, and RAPID team training exercise


Preparedness and RAPID training, Tennessee and Kentucky

Type: Preparedness

Location: Clay County, TN and Cumberland County, KY

Purpose: Preparedness and RAPID team training exercise

Preparedness, child wellness, and RAPID training

Type: Preparedness

Location: Hawkins County

Purpose: Preparedness, child wellness, and RAPID team training exercise


Flooding in Cheatham

Type: Preparedness

Event: Flood

Location: Cheatham County

Purpose: Community needs after flooding


Flooding in Davidson

Type: Preparedness

Event: Flood

Location: Davidson County

Purpose: Community needs after flooding

Preparedness and RAPID team training

Type: Preparedness

Location: Knox County, Davidson County

Purpose: Preparedness and RAPID team training exercise

Preparedness and KI Distribution

Type: Preparedness

Location: Hamilton County

Purpose: Preparedness and KI distribution