Puerto Rico

At a glance

This page includes information about CASPERs that took place in Puerto Rico. The information includes the year, type, event, location, report (if applicable), and purpose of the CASPER.


CASPER, Hurricane Maria

Type: Recovery

Event: Hurricane Maria

Location: Adjuntas Municipality

Purpose: The Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDoH) conducted a CASPER in June 2019 in the municipality of Adjuntas. This CASPER was a part of the ongoing Hurricane Maria recovery process.

The goals of the assessment were to:

  • Identify health, environmental, household characteristics, and individual behaviors that can increase the community's risk in an emergency.
  • Assess the storm's impact on households and long-term recovery of the community. This information will be used to inform the PRDoH recovery process.

Report: Unpublished report

CASPER, Hurricane Maria

Type: Recovery

Event: Hurricane Maria

Location: Humacao Municipality

Purpose: The Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDoH) conducted a CASPER in April 2019 in the municipality of Humacao. This CASPER was a part of the ongoing Hurricane Maria recovery process.

The goals of the assessment were to:

  • Identify health, environmental, household characteristics, and individual behaviors that can increase the community's risk in an emergency.
  • Assess the storm's impact on households and long-term recovery of the community. This information will be used to inform the PRDoH recovery process.

Report: Unpublished report

CASPER, Hurricane Maria

Type: Recovery

Event: Hurricane Maria

Location: Isabela Municipality

Purpose: The Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDoH) conducted a CASPER in February 2019 in the municipality of Isabela. This CASPER was a part of the ongoing Hurricane Maria recovery process.

The goals of the assessment were to:

  • Identify health, environmental, household characteristics, and individual behaviors that can increase the community's risk in an emergency.
  • Assess the storm's impact on households and long-term recovery of the community.

This information will be used to inform the PRDoH recovery process. This community was chosen because of its location on the northwestern part of the island. Historically that part of the island does not receive a large impact from hurricanes. Conversely, this community is situated in the vicinity of the Guajataca Dam, which had structural damages caused by Hurricane María. This shows just one of the ways that the hurricane affected the area.

This is a unique location for assessment for the Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDoH). The location experienced a period of drought followed by a period of water rationing. This was due in part to the draining of a significant part of the water in the dam to facilitate repairs.

Report: Unpublished report


CASPER, Hurricane Maria

Type: Response

Event: Hurricane Maria

Location: Loiza Municipality

Purpose: The Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDoH) conducted a CASPER in January 2018 in the municipality of Loiza as part of the ongoing Hurricane Maria response.

Report: Unpublished report