
At a glance

This page includes information about CASPERs that took place in the state of Nevada. The information includes the year, type, location, purpose, and report for each CASPER.


CASPER to assess the level of preparedness in Douglas County, Nevada

Type: Preparedness

Location: Douglas County

Purpose: The goal of the Douglas County CASPER was to assess resident preparedness for an emergency or disaster. The assessment focused on general emergency preparedness such as having emergency supply items and plans; the preferred source of information during an emergency; evacuation intentions, as well as additional household needs such as durable medical equipment. The data gathered will be used to strengthen local level preparedness and response capabilities.

Report: Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) to Assess the Level of Preparedness in Douglas County, Nevada May 2019

Washoe County CASPER

Type: Preparedness

Location: Washoe County

Purpose: To better assess the community's evacuation readiness, emergency preparedness, and household basic needs in the event of an evacuation. Provide information for emergency management and shelter considerations Inform updates to preparedness and evacuation plans.

Report: Unpublished report


CASPER to assess the level of preparedness in Mineral County, Nevada

Type: Preparedness

Location: Mineral County

Purpose: The objectives of the Mineral County CASPER are as follows:

  • Assess the health status of residents and how that may affect evacuation plans during emergencies
  • Assess emergency supply availability within households
  • Identify the preferred method of receiving information during an emergency for communications
  • Assess residents' emergency and/or evacuation plans to develop recommendations
  • Identify community volunteer recruitment and engagement strategies

Report: Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) Mineral County, Nevada – November 2018

Notes: Mineral County is the fourth smallest county in Nevada. The rural geographic location and limited access to resources creates a vulnerable position for county-wide preparedness. CASPER provided a new opportunity for local stakeholders to assess their community's emergency preparedness capabilities. Additionally, the CASPER helped gain a better understanding of community needs. This was the second CASPER in Nevada, the first in a rural county.

CASPER to assess the level of preparedness in Carson City, Nevada

Type: Preparedness

Location: Carson City

Purpose: The goal of the Carson City CASPER was to assess resident preparedness for an emergency or disaster. The assessment focused on general emergency preparedness such as having emergency supply items and plans; the preferred source of information during an emergency; evacuation intentions, as well as additional household needs such as durable medical equipment. The data gathered will be used to strengthen local level preparedness and response capabilities.