Colorectal Cancer: Individual and Community Awareness

What to know

The individual and community awareness focus area includes tools and resources to inform and educate the public about cancer, risk factors, and screening practices to increase awareness about and demand for cancer screening services.

A doctor with a ribbon around her hands and the colon replica.


This page is part of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Change Package.

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Change concepts are "general notions that are useful for developing more specific strategies for changing a process."1 Change ideas are evidence-based or practice-based "actionable, specific ideas or strategies."1 Each change idea is linked to tools and resources that can be used or adapted to improve cancer screening.

Note: See a list of acronyms used in this change package.

Change concept: Inform and educate the public to increase awareness and use of recommended cancer screenings.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tobacco Cessation Change Package. US Department of Health and Human Services; 2019.
  • This resource may contain some information that does not reflect the current US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for cervical cancer screening.
  • Indicates a patient resource.