Personal Story: Jennifer

At a glance

Meet Jennifer, who was first diagnosed with breast cancer at age 27. She advocated for herself to get the best care when her cancer came back 4 years later.


Jennifer's story

We decided to do everything that we could. I just wanted my life to keep going. Jennifer
"We decided to do everything that we could. I just wanted my life to keep going." —Jennifer

I was first diagnosed with breast cancer at age 27 after noticing a lump in my breast. When my cancer unexpectedly came back 4 years later, I advocated for myself to get the best care.

Speaking up for the right care

I knew breast cancer ran in my family and paid attention to my body. Because of this, when I noticed changes in my body, I didn't let fear stop me from talking to my doctors.

Years after my cancer treatment, I found another lump in my breast that I asked my doctor about. Although he was not concerned, I insisted on getting a scan, which ultimately found cancer a second time.

Standing up for myself helped me get the care I needed.

My Motivated Moment: Jennifer‎

Jen took her health and her future firmly into her own hands. Listen as she shares how breast cancer has affected her life and her family.

A second diagnosis

Having already removed my breasts and undergone treatment, my second breast cancer diagnosis came as a shock.

Through this difficult experience, I focused on appreciating each day. I set a goal for myself—to study for my state's bar exam—and passed my exam 5 weeks after completing treatment.

A strong husband-wife team

My husband, Jay, stood by my side through both cancer diagnoses. He encouraged me to talk to my doctor after I found the lumps. And, together, we discussed our options for having children with a fertility specialist.

I am grateful for Jay's support. Now more than ever, we celebrate being a team, including as parents.

My Motivated Moment: Jay‎

Jen's husband, Jay, stood by her and supported her difficult decisions throughout her breast cancer journey. Listen to hear the perspective of a supporter and caregiver.