Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables (CV) in the 2023 Data File

BRFSS 2023 Summary Matrix
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2023, Summary Martix


Summary of Matrix 2023
Description or Result
of Calculation
Input Variables
(From Questionnaire)
Intermediate and
Output Variables
used in calculations
Output Variables
(In Final Data Set)
Section 1: Health Status
CV for fair or poor general health GENHLTH _RFHLTH
Section 2: Healthy Days
CV for days of not good physical health PHYSHLTH _PHYS14D
CV for days of not good mental health MENTHLTH _MENT14D
Section 4: Exercise (Physical Activity)
CV for no leisure time physical activity EXERANY2 _TOTINDA
Estimated Age-Gender Specific Maximum Oxygen Consumption BIRTHSEX, SEXVAR, AGE MAXVO21_
Estimated Functional Capacity BIRTHSEX, SEXVAR, AGE MAXVO21_ FC601_
Minutes of First Activity EXERHMM1 PADUR1_
Minutes of Second Activity EXERHMM2 PADUR2_
Physical Activity Frequency per Week for First Activity EXERANY2, EXEROFT1 PAFREQ1_
Physical Activity Frequency per Week for Second Activity EXERANY2, EXEROFT2 PAFREQ2_
Strength Activity Frequency per Week STRENGTH STRFREQ_
Muscle Strengthening Reccomendation STRENGTH STRFREQ_ _PASTRNG
Section 7: Chronic Health Conditions
CV for respondents that reported having coronary heart disease or mycardial infarction CVDINFR4, CVDCRHD4 _MICHD
CV for lifetime asthma prevalence ASTHMA3 _LTASTH1
CV for current asthma prevalence ASTHMA3, ASTHNOW _CASTHM1
Computed asthma status ASTHMA3, ASTHNOW _ASTHMS1
CV for respondents that have had a doctor diagnose them as having some form of arthritis HAVARTH4 _DRDXAR2
Section 8: Demographics
Multiracial Race categorization MRACE1 MRACORG1, MRACASC1 _MRACE1
CV for Hispanic, Latino or Spanish categorization HISPANC3 _HISPANC
White, non-Hispanic and non-White or Hispanic race/ethnicity groupings. MRACE1, HISPANC3 _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1, _RACE _RACEG21
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White, Black, and Other race/ethnicity groupings. MRACE1, HISPANC3 _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1, _RACE _RACEGR3
Computed race groups used for internet prevalence tables _RACE, _IMPRACE _RACEPRV
Calculated sex variable BIRTHSEX, SEXVAR _SEX
18-24 and then 5-year age groupings to 80+. AGE _AGEG5YR
18-64 and 65+ age groupings. AGE _AGE65YR
CV for imputed age collapsed above 80 AGE _IMPAGE _AGE80
18-64 and 65+ 10 year age groupings. AGE _IMPAGE _AGE_G
CV for height in inches HEIGHT3 HTIN4
CV for height in meters HEIGHT3 HTIN4 HTM4
CV for weight in kilograms WEIGHT2 WTKG3
Calculated Body Mass Index PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3 _BMI5
Tri-level weight variable (normal, overweight, obese) based on Body Mass Index PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3, _BMI5 _BMI5CAT
CV for Overweight or Obese Body Mass Index level PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3, _BMI5 _RFBMI5
Calculated number of children in household CHILDREN _CHLDCNT
Calculated education level completed EDUCA _EDUCAG
Section 11: Tobacco Use
Smoking Status: Everyday smoker, someday smoker, former smoker and non smoker SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 _SMOKER3
CV for current smoking status SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 _SMOKER3 _RFSMOK3
Section 13: Immunization
CV for respondents aged 65 and older that have had a flu shot within the past year AGE, FLUSHOT7 _FLSHOT7
CV for respondent aged 65 and older that have ever had a pneumonia vaccine PNEUVAC4 _PNEUMO3
Section 14: HIV/AIDS
CV for having ever been tested for HIV HIVTST7 _AIDTST4
Section 15: Seatbelt Use and Drinking and Driving
CV for Always/Nearly Always wear seatbelt SEATBELT _RFSEAT2
CV for Alwayswear seatbelt SEATBELT _RFSEAT3
Drinking and Driving calculated variable DRNKDRI2 _DRNKDRV