Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables (CV) in the 2021 Data File
Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables (CV) in the 2021 Data File
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System |
2021, Summary Martix |
Description or Result of Calculation |
Input Variables (From Questionnaire) |
Intermediate and Output Variables used in calculations |
Output Variables (In Final Data Set) |
Section 1: Health Status | |||
CV for fair or poor general health | GENHLTH | _RFHLTH | |
Section 2: Healthy Days | |||
CV for days of not good physical health | PHYSHLTH | _PHYS14D | |
CV for days of not good mental health | MENTHLTH | _MENT14D | |
Section 3: Health Care Access | |||
CV for respondents that have any form of health insurance | PRIMINSR | _HLTHPLN | |
CV for respondents aged 18-64 years that have any form of health insurance | PRIMINSR, AGE | _HCVU652 | |
Section 4: Exercise | |||
CV for no leisure time physical activity | EXERANY2 | _TOTINDA | |
Section 7: Chronic Health Conditions | |||
CV for respondents that reported having coronary heart disease or mycardial infarction | CVDINFR4, CVDCRHD4 | _MICHD | |
CV for lifetime asthma prevalence | ASTHMA3 | _LTASTH1 | |
CV for current asthma prevalence | ASTHMA3, ASTHNOW | _CASTHM1 | |
Computed asthma status | ASTHMA3, ASTHNOW | _ASTHMS1 | |
Section 8: Arthritis | |||
CV for respondents that have had a doctor diagnose them as having some form of arthritis | HAVARTH5 | _DRDXAR3 | |
CV for limited usual activities | HAVARTH5, LMTJOIN3 | _LMTACT3 | |
CV for limited work activities | HAVARTH5, ARTHDIS2 | _LMTWRK3 | |
Section 9: Demographics | |||
Preferred Race | MRACE1, ORACE3 | MRACORG1, MRACASC1 | _PRACE1 |
Multiracial Race categorization | MRACE1 | MRACORG1, MRACASC1 | _MRACE1 |
CV for Hispanic, Latino or Spanish categorization | HISPANC3 | _HISPANC | |
CV for race/ethnicity | MRACE1, HISPANC3 | _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1 | _RACE |
White, non-Hispanic and non-White or Hispanic race/ethnicity groupings. | MRACE1, HISPANC3 | _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1, _RACE | _RACEG21 |
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White, Black, and Other race/ethnicity groupings. | MRACE1, HISPANC3 | _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1, _RACE | _RACEGR3 |
Computed race groups used for internet prevalence tables | _RACE, _IMPRACE | _RACEPRV | |
Calculated sex variable | BIRTHSEX, SEXVAR | _SEX | |
18-24 and then 5-year age groupings to 80+. | AGE | _AGEG5YR | |
18-64 and 65+ age groupings. | AGE | _AGE65YR | |
CV for imputed age collapsed above 80 | AGE | _IMPAGE | _AGE80 |
18-64 and 65+ 10 year age groupings. | AGE | _IMPAGE | _AGE_G |
CV for height in inches | HEIGHT3 | HTIN4 | |
CV for height in meters | HEIGHT3 | HTIN4 | HTM4 |
CV for weight in kilograms | WEIGHT2 | WTKG3 | |
Calculated Body Mass Index | PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 | HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3 | _BMI5 |
Tri-level weight variable (normal, overweight, obese) based on Body Mass Index | PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 | HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3, _BMI5 | _BMI5CAT |
CV for Overweight or Obese Body Mass Index level | PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 | HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3, _BMI5 | _RFBMI5 |
Calculated number of children in household | CHILDREN | _CHLDCNT | |
Calculated education level completed | EDUCA | _EDUCAG | |
Section 11: Tobacco Use | |||
Smoking Status: Everyday smoker, someday smoker, former smoker and non smoker | SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 | _SMOKER3 | |
CV for current smoking status | SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 | _SMOKER3 | _RFSMOK3 |
CV for current e-cigarette smoker status | ECIGNOW1 | _CURECI1 | |
Section 12: Alcohol Consumption | |||
CV for alcohol comsuption | ALCDAY5 | DRNKANY5 | |
Drink occasions per day | ALCDAY5 | DROCDY3_ | |
CV for BINGE drinking (males GE 5 drinks on an occasion, females GE 4 drinks on an occasion) | ALCDAY5, DRNK3GE5 | _RFBING5 | |
CV for number of drinks of alcohol per week | ALCDAY5, AVEDRNK3 | DROCDY3_ | _DRNKWK1 |
CV for HEAVY drinking (GT 2 drinks per day for men, GT 1 drink per day for women) | BIRTHSEX,SEXVAR, ALCDAY5 | _DRNKWK1 | _RFDRHV7 |
Section 13: Immunization | |||
CV for respondents aged 65 and older that have had a flu shot within the past year | AGE, FLUSHOT7 | _FLSHOT7 | |
CV for respondent aged 65 and older that have ever had a pneumonia vaccine | PNEUVAC4 | _PNEUMO3 | |
Section 14: HIV/AIDS | |||
CV for having ever been tested for HIV | HIVTST7 | _AIDTST4 | |
Section 15: Fruits & Vegetables | |||
CV for fruit juice intake in times per day | FRUITJU2 | FTJUDA2_ | |
CV for fruit intake in times per day | FRUIT2 | FRUTDA2_ | |
CV for dark green vegetable intake in times per day | FVGREEN1 | GRENDA1_ | |
CV for french fry intake in times per day | FRENCHF1 | FRNCHDA_ | |
CV for potato intake in times per day | POTATOE1 | POTADA1_ | |
CV for vegetable intake in times per day | VEGETAB2 | VEGEDA2_ | |
CV for the number of missing fruit responses | FRUITJU2, FRUIT2 | FTJUDA2_, FRUTDA2_ | _MISFRT1 |
CV for the number of missing vegetable responses | VEGETAB2, FVGREEN1, POTATOE1, FRENCHF1 | GRENDA1_, VEGEDA2_, POTATDA1_, FRENCHDA_ | _MISVEG1 |
CV for missing any fruit responses | FRUITJU2, FRUIT2 | FTJUDA2_, FRUTDA2_, _MISFRT1 | _FRTRES1 |
CV for missing any vegetable responses | VEGETAB2, FVGREEN1, POTATOE1, FRENCHF1 | GRENDA1_, VEGEDA2_, POTATDA1_, FRENCHDA_, _MISVEG1 | _VEGRES1 |
CV for total fruits consumed per day | FRUITJU2, FRUIT2 | FTJUDA2_, FRUTDA2_ | _FRUTSU1 |
CV for total vegetables consumed per day | VEGETAB2, FVGREEN1, POTATOE1, FRENCHF1 | GRENDA1_, VEGEDA2_, POTATDA1_, FRENCHDA_ | _VEGESU1 |
CV for consuming fruit 1 or more times per day | FRUITJU2, FRUIT2 | FTJUDA2_, FRUTDA2_, _FRUTSU1 | _FRTLT1A |
CV for consuming vegetables 1 or more times per day | VEGETAB2, FVGREEN1, POTATOE1, FRENCHF1 | GRENDA1_, VEGEDA2_, POTATDA1_, FRENCHDA_, _VEGESU1 | _VEGLT1A |
CV for reported consuming fruit >16 per day | FRUITJU2, FRUIT2 | FTJUDA2_, FRUTDA2_, _FRUTSU1 | _FRT16A |
CV for reported consuming vegetables >23 per day | VEGETAB2, FVGREEN1, POTATOE1, FRENCHF1 | GRENDA1_, VEGEDA2_, POTATDA1_, FRENCHDA_, _VEGESU1 | _VEG23A |
CV for fruit exclusion from analyses | FRUITJU2, FRUIT2 | FTJUDA2_, FRUTDA2_, _MISFRT1, _FRUTSU1, _FRTRES1, _FRT16A | _FRUITE1 |
CV for vegetable exclusion from analyses | VEGETAB2, FVGREEN1, POTATOE1, FRENCHF1 | GRENDA1_, VEGEDA2_, POTATDA1_, FRENCHDA_, _VEGESU1, _MISVEG1, _VEGRES1, _VEG23A | _VEGETE1 |
Version #13 – Revised: July 14, 2022 |