Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables (CV) in the 2020 Data File
Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables (CV) in the 2020 Data File
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System2020, Summary Matrix
Description or Result of Calculation |
Input Variables (From Questionnaire) |
Intermediate and Output Variables used in calculations |
Output Variables (In Final Data Set) |
Section 1: Health Status | |||
CV for fair or poor general health | GENHLTH | _RFHLTH | |
Section 2: Healthy Days | |||
CV for days of not good physical health | PHYSHLTH | _PHYS14D | |
CV for days of not good mental health | MENTHLTH | _MENT14D | |
Section 3: Health Care Access | |||
CV for respondents aged 18-64 years that have any form of health care coverage | HLTHPLN1, AGE | _HCVU651 | |
Section 4: Exercise | |||
CV for no leisure time physical activity | EXERANY2 | _TOTINDA | |
Section 6: Chronic Health Conditions | |||
CV for respondents that reported having coronary heart disease or mycardial infarction | CVDINFR4, CVDCRHD4 | _MICHD | |
CV for lifetime asthma prevalence | ASTHMA3 | _LTASTH1 | |
CV for current asthma prevalence | ASTHMA3, ASTHNOW | _CASTHM1 | |
Computed asthma status | ASTHMA3, ASTHNOW | _ASTHMS1 | |
CV for respondents that have had a doctor diagnose them as having some form of arthritis | HAVARTH4 | _DRDXAR2 | |
Section 7: Oral Health | |||
CV for having had permanent teeth extracted | RMVTETH4 | _EXTETH3 | |
CV for having had all permanent teeth extracted | AGE, RMVTETH4 | _ALTETH3 | |
CV for having visited a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental clinic within the past year | LASTDEN4 | _DENVST3 | |
Section 8: Demographics | |||
Reported MRACE with trailing 7,8,9’s removed | MRACE1 | MRACORG1 | |
Reported MRACE with trailing 7,8,9’s removed in ascending order | MRACE1 | MRACORG1 | MRACASC1 |
Preferred Race | MRACE1, ORACE3 | MRACORG1, MRACASC1 | _PRACE1 |
Multiracial Race categorization | MRACE1 | MRACORG1, MRACASC1 | _MRACE1 |
Multiracial Race categorization | MRACE1 | MRACORG1, MRACASC1 | _M_RACE |
CV for Hispanic, Latino or Spanish categorization | HISPANC3 | _HISPANC | |
CV for race/ethnicity | MRACE1, HISPANC3 | _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1 | _RACE |
White, non-Hispanic and non-White or Hispanic race/ethnicity groupings. | MRACE1, HISPANC3 | _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1, _RACE | _RACEG21 |
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White, Black, and Other race/ethnicity groupings. | MRACE1, HISPANC3 | _HISPANC, _MRACE1, MRACORG1, MRACASC1, _RACE | _RACEGR3 |
CV for computed race groups used for internet prevalence tables | MRACE1, HISPANC3 | _RACE, _IMPRACE | _RACEPRV |
Calculated sex variable | BIRTHSEX, SEXVAR | _SEX | |
18-24 and then 5-year age groupings to 80+. | AGE | _AGEG5YR | |
18-64 and 65+ age groupings. | AGE | _AGE65YR | |
CV for imputed age collapsed above 80 | AGE | _IMPAGE | _AGE80 |
18-64 and 65+ 10 year age groupings. | AGE | _IMPAGE | _AGE_G |
CV for height in inches | HEIGHT3 | HTIN4 | |
CV for height in meters | HEIGHT3 | HTIN4 | HTM4 |
CV for weight in kilograms | WEIGHT2 | WTKG3 | |
Calculated Body Mass Index | PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 | HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3 | _BMI5 |
Tri-level weight variable (normal, overweight, obese) based on Body Mass Index | PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 | HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3, _BMI5 | _BMI5CAT |
CV for Overweight or Obese Body Mass Index level | PREGNANT, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 | HTIN4, HTM4, WTKG3, _BMI5 | _RFBMI5 |
Calculated number of children in household | CHILDREN | _CHLDCNT | |
Calculated education level completed | EDUCA | _EDUCAG | |
Calculated income categories | INCOME2 | _INCOMG | |
CV for metropolitan status | _URBNRRL | _METSTAT | |
CV for urban rural status | _URBNRRL | _URBSTAT | |
Section 10: Tobacco Use | |||
Smoking Status: Everyday smoker, someday smoker, former smoker and non smoker | SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 | _SMOKER3 | |
CV for current smoking status | SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 | _SMOKER3 | _RFSMOK3 |
Section 11: Alcohol Consumption | |||
CV for alcohol comsuption | ALCDAY5 | DRNKANY5 | |
Drink occasions per day | ALCDAY5 | DROCDY3_ | |
CV for BINGE drinking (males GE 5 drinks on an occasion, females GE 4 drinks on an occasion) | ALCDAY5, DRNK3GE5 | _RFBING5 | |
CV for number of drinks of alcohol per week | ALCDAY5, AVEDRNK3 | DROCDY3_ | _DRNKWK1 |
CV for HEAVY drinking (GT 2 drinks per day for men, GT 1 drink per day for women) | BIRTHSEX,SEXVAR, ALCDAY5 | _DRNKWK1 | _RFDRHV7 |
Section 12: Immunization | |||
CV for respondents aged 65 and older that have had a flu shot within the past year | AGE, FLUSHOT7 | _FLSHOT7 | |
CV for respondent aged 65 and older that have ever had a pneumonia vaccine | PNEUVAC4 | _PNEUMO3 | |
Section 14: Seatbelt Use and Drinking and Driving | |||
CV for Always/Nearly Always wear seatbelt | SEATBELT | _RFSEAT2 | |
CV for Alwayswear seatbelt | SEATBELT | _RFSEAT3 | |
Drinking and Driving calculated variable | DRNKDRI2 | _DRNKDRV | |
Section 17: Colorectal Cancer Screening | |||
CV for age 50-75 that have not had a colonoscopy within the past 10 years | COLNSCPY, COLNTEST, AGE | _CLNSCPY | |
CV for age 50-75 that have not had a sigmoidoscopy within the past 5 years | SIGMSCPY, SIGMTEST, AGE | _SGMSCPY | |
CV for age 50-75 that have not had a sigmoidoscopy within the past 10 years | SIGMSCPY, SIGMTEST, AGE | _SGMS10Y | |
CV for age 50-75 that have not had a blood stool test within the past 2 years | BLDSTOL1, LSTBLDS4, AGE | _RFBLDS4 | |
CV for age 50-75 that have not had a stoold DNA test within the past 3 years | STOOLDNA, SDNATEST, AGE | _STOLDNA | |
CV for age 50-75 that have not had a virtual colonoscopy within the past 5 years | VIRCOLON, VCLNTEST, AGE | _VIRCOLN | |
CV for age 50-75 that have not had a sigmoidoscopy within the past 10 years and a blood stool test within the past year | BLDSTOL1, LSTBLDS4, SIGMSCPY, SIGMTEST, AGE | _RFBLDS4, _SGMS10Y | _SBONTIM |
Section 18: HIV/AIDS | |||
CV for having ever been tested for HIV | HIVTST7 | _AIDTST4 |
Version #2 – Revised: June 1, 2021 |