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CDC- BRFSS – ACBS 19-21 Child Prevalence Table 7

CDC- BRFSS – ACBS 19-21 Child Prevalence Table 7
Table 7: Estimated percent using an inhaled corticosteroid in the past 3 months among children1 with current2 asthma status by state/territory – BRFSS Asthma Call-back Survey, United States, 2019-2021.
State/Territory Current
% SE§ 95% CI
California 56 31.7 7.6 (16.8 – 46.6)
Connecticut 163 35.9 5.9 (24.3 – 47.5)
Florida 113 N/A N/A (N/A – N/A)
Georgia 95 31.0 7.8 (15.7 – 46.3)
Hawaii 62 N/A N/A (N/A – N/A)
Indiana 128 28.0 4.8 (18.6 – 37.4)
Kansas 111 29.2 5.4 (18.6 – 39.8)
Massachusetts 61 31.6 8.0 (15.9 – 47.3)
Michigan 165 25.7 4.0 (17.9 – 33.5)
Minnesota 159 21.6 4.4 (13.0 – 30.2)
Missouri 134 35.4 6.1 (23.4 – 47.4)
Nebraska 125 30.9 6.2 (18.7 – 43.1)
New Hampshire 103 27.8 6.0 (16.0 – 39.6)
New York 120 34.1 10.0 (14.5 – 53.7)
Ohio 103 21.6 6.1 (9.6 – 33.6)
Pennsylvania 58 37.1 8.1 (21.2 – 53.0)
Rhode Island 77 45.3 8.1 (29.4 – 61.2)
Texas 172 28.9 7.2 (14.8 – 43.0)
Utah 199 17.7 3.1 (11.6 – 23.8)
Vermont 114 39.4 6.3 (27.1 – 51.7)
Wisconsin 73 36.3 9.2 (18.3 – 54.3)
21 States / Area 2,453 29.6 2.4 (24.9 – 34.3)
Median 31.0
Range 17.7-45.3

1 Aged < 18 years

2 “Yes” response to “Do you still have asthma?”

± Sample size is for multiple years of participation. Responses of “Don’t Know” and “Refused” are excluded.

§ Standard error

Confidence interval

N/A: Estimate not available (N/A) if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or if the relative standard error was > 0.30

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