Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC)

How do I get a copy of my facility’s mPINC report?

  • 2018, 2020, and 2022 hospital reports are available. If you are unable to locate your hospital’s mPINC report, you can request a copy by e-mailing the hospital’s name and address to

How do hospitals benefit from participation in the mPINC survey?

  • Once data collection and analysis are complete, we send participating hospitals an individualized report with a summary of their survey results and a comparison of their results to the nation, the region, and to other hospitals of similar size. Hospitals can use these results to celebrate strengths as well as identify areas for improvement in their practices and policies that affect infant feeding.

What kind of questions does the survey ask?

  • The mPINC survey contains six core sections and an additional section for hospitals with a Special Care Nursery or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The six core sections cover: hospital demographics and data, early postpartum care practices, feeding practices, education and support of mothers and caregivers, staff and provider responsibilities and training, and hospital policies and procedures. Learn more.

Who receives the mPINC survey?

  • CDC’s contractor Battelle will begin survey administration by calling each hospital that participated in our previous mPINC survey using the phone number of the person who submitted the 2022 survey. Then Battelle will screen all other hospitals by calling the hospital switchboard and asking for the mother-baby nurse manager or, if not available, for the manager of the labor and delivery unit. After determining eligibility, we ask that manager to identify the best person to complete a survey that includes questions about infant nutrition, such as breastfeeding, using formula to feed healthy newborns, and feeding routines. Because of how we administer our survey, the person identified to receive the survey one year is not necessarily the person identified to receive the survey in a later cycle. If you would like to update the mPINC survey point of contact at your hospital, please email your name, phone number, and hospital name and address to

Who completes the mPINC survey?

  • No single person may be best able to answer all of the survey questions, so we encourage the person completing the survey to obtain input from other key personnel, as needed.

Can the mPINC survey be sent to me without going through the screening process?

  • No. It is extremely important for the validity of the survey that we follow the same protocol to identify the survey recipients at each hospital as described above. It may be helpful for you to talk with the mother-baby nurse manager(s) or the labor and delivery unit manager(s) at your hospital to describe the purpose and timing of the mPINC survey. Let these managers know that they may receive a phone call from Battelle, CDC’s contractor, about the mPINC survey and discuss with her or him the best person to respond to the survey on behalf of your hospital.

Are the survey responses kept confidential?

  • Yes. All responses are treated in a secure manner and are not disclosed unless required by law. The name of the hospital and individuals who complete the survey, and any other personal identifiers, will not be included in either oral or written presentation of survey results. We will only report responses in summary form so individual responses cannot be identified. We will combine data to generate state-specific, regional, and national reports. Data also may be used to answer other research questions. We may release data under data use agreements for additional approved purposes and we may share data with state health departments for the development of public health programs. These data use agreements will require adherence to data confidentiality.

How can the public access mPINC data?

  • We may release data under data use agreements for additional approved purposes. Examples can include researchers who want to use mPINC data to answer research questions, and state health departments who want to use mPINC data for the development of their state’s public health programs. Email to learn more and to receive a data request form.

Why was the mPINC survey redesigned in 2018?

  • Maternity care practices and policies in the United States have changed since the first mPINC survey was administered in 2007. We redesigned the mPINC survey in 2018 to reflect these changes.

How are mPINC surveys from 2018 and later different from previous years?

  • Changes to the mPINC survey beginning in 2018 include collecting data via Web only (no paper surveys), surveying hospitals only (no freestanding birth centers), and updating survey content to reflect changing maternity care practices and policies.

Why aren’t freestanding birth centers included in the revised survey?

  • We no longer include freestanding birth centers in the survey because many practices assessed do not apply to the birth center setting (e.g., time spent rooming-in because stays are shorter, questions about cesarean sections). In addition, less than 1% of US births occur at birth centers compared to over 98% of US births in hospitals.

Will hospitals be able to look at year-to-year trends?

  • We updated the mPINC survey questionnaire in 2018. Results from the mPINC surveys 2018 and later cannot be compared with results from 2007-2015 mPINC surveys. Multiple years of data from the updated survey (i.e., 2018, 2020, 2022 and later) will be comparable.

How can I keep up-to-date on the status of the mPINC survey?

  • CDC developed a CDC-mPINC-UPDATE listserv to inform hospitals and other partners about future mPINC surveys and provide periodic updates on the status of the mPINC survey and related information. Signing up for this listserv is voluntary, and most messages will be sent during mPINC data collection. Listserv participants may opt out at any time. If you have questions about the mPINC survey or would like to sign up for the listserv, please email with your full name and email address. Your contact information will in no way be connected to survey responses or scores.

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