Vitamin K and Breastfeeding

At a glance

Vitamin K is needed to form blood clots and to stop bleeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all newborns receive a one-time vitamin K shot within 6 hours after birth. Learn more about the importance of vitamin K and considerations for breastfed infants.

A mother holding her newborn child.

Importance of vitamin K

Babies are born with minimal amounts of vitamin K in their bodies. This can lead to a serious problem known as vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). VKDB can lead to brain damage and death. Bleeding from vitamin K deficiency is a risk during the first 6 months of life. VKDB is preventable with a one-time intramuscular shot of vitamin K at birth.

Do infants get enough vitamin K from breast milk?

No. Breast milk is low in vitamin K. Breast milk from mothers taking vitamin K supplements is also low in vitamin K.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all newborns receive a one-time intramuscular vitamin K shot within 6 hours after birth. This recommendation applies whether the infant will be breastfed or formula-fed.

To allow immediate bonding and contact between the newborn and mother, the vitamin K shot can be delayed until after the first feeding, up to 6 hours after birth. Administering the dose of vitamin K within 6 hours of birth is the best way to prevent bleeding.

An oral dose of vitamin K is not recommended. Oral vitamin K is not consistently absorbed through the stomach and intestines and does not provide adequate amounts for the breastfed infant. Infants who receive the intramuscular vitamin K shot do not require further supplementation.

Preventing low amounts of vitamin K and VKDB‎

A one-time intramuscular shot of vitamin K at birth is the best way to prevent low amounts of vitamin K and VKDB in infants. If parents do not want their child to receive this dose of vitamin K, health care providers should discuss the risks with the parents.