Pruno and Botulism

What to know

  • Pruno is homemade alcohol that some people make in jails and prisons.
  • Pruno is sometimes called hooch, brew, prison wine, and buck.
  • No matter what it’s called, it can give you more than a cheap buzz.
  • It can give you a life-threatening illness called botulism.

What is botulism?

Botulism is a rare but serious illness caused by a toxin (poison) that attacks the body's nerves. Botulism causes difficulty breathing, muscle paralysis, and even death.

The toxin is made by Clostridium botulinum and sometimes related bacteria (germs).

Keep Reading: About Botulism

Pruno: A recipe for botulism

Pruno is risky because of the way it is made.

People who make pruno usually ferment fruit, sugar, water, and other common ingredients for several days in a sealed plastic bag.

This method of fermentation provides the right conditions for the bacteria to make the toxin that causes botulism.

It’s hard to know if pruno has toxin in it, because you can’t see, smell, or taste the toxin.

People who drink pruno are at risk.

In several states, people who are incarcerated have gotten botulism from drinking pruno. Many of these people needed to be hospitalized and some had to be put on a ventilator (breathing machine).

All people involved in botulism outbreaks linked to pruno have been incarcerated, but anyone who drinks this alcohol is at risk.

How can I stay safe?

If you make pruno, you put yourself and anyone who drinks it in danger of getting botulism. The alcohol in your drink won't destroy the toxin or make the pruno harmless. The only way to be sure you don't get botulism from pruno is to not drink it.

We don't know how to make this kind of alcohol safely. But we do know that batches of pruno that gave people botulism used at least one of these ingredients:

  • Potatoes
  • Honey
  • Food from bulging cans

When to seek emergency care‎

If you have signs and symptoms of botulism, immediately get medical help. Do not wait.

Remember, if you want to keep from getting botulism, your best bet is to not drink pruno. But, if you do drink it and have symptoms, getting medical help right away can save your life.

Be honest and direct with your healthcare providers.

Botulism can be mistaken for other, more common illnesses. Your healthcare providers need to know if you drank pruno, so you can be diagnosed and treated quickly and correctly.