Impact of Blood Clots on the United States Infographic

At a glance

View and download this infographic about the impact of blood clots in the United States. It highlights how blood clots affect many people, can happen to anyone, can be deadly, are costly to treat, are often preventable, and early diagnosis is critical to prevent death.

Impact of blood clots on the United States

Download: Impact of Blood Clots on the United States [PDF – 516 KB]

Infographic on blood clots available for download.

Venous Thromboembolism: Impact of Blood Clots on the United States

Know the Lingo About Blood Clots

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): Blood clot located in a deep vein, usually in a leg or arm.
  • Pulmonary embolism (PE): Blood clot that has traveled from a deep vein to a lung.

DVT and PE are also known as VTE (venous thromboembolism).

Blood Clots Affect Many People

  • VTE affects as many as 900,000 Americans each year.
  • 3 in 10 people who have a blood clot will have another episode within 10 years.

Blood Clots Can Be Deadly

  • As many as 100,000 people die of blood clots each year.
  • PE is a leading cause of death in a woman during pregnancy or just after having a baby.
  • Sudden death – 1 of 4 people who have a PE die without warning.
  • Blood clots are a leading cause of death in people with cancer after the cancer itself.

Blood Clots Are Costly

  • Blood clots cost our nation up to $10 billion each year.
  • Treatment can be as much as $15,000 to $20,000 per person and often results in readmission to the hospital.

Things to Know

  • Blood clots can happen to anyone.
  • They are often preventable.
  • Early diagnosis is critical to prevent death.
  • Take action now to prevent blood clots.
  • Talk with your doctor about the risks for blood clots and learn how they can be prevented.

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