Healthcare Use Data 2014

Health care use asthma surveillance data tables include estimates for physician office visits from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), emergency department visits from  the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), and hospital inpatient stays from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) at the national level.

Table A. Physician office visits with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2014
2014 Physician Office Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 11,028,942 1,128,600 351.6 (36.0)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 4,177,360 685,979 568.8 (93.4)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 6,851,581 825,694 285.2 (34.4)
   Male 4,937,652 605,447 322.3 (39.5)
   Female 6,091,290 720,241 379.6 (44.9)
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 9,003,670 1,007,765 370.4 (41.5)
   Black 1,446,091 240,973 354.6 (59.1)
   Other 579,181 145,276 194.5 (48.8)
   Hispanic or Latino 1,873,707 380,664 342.4 (69.6)
   Not Hispanic or Latino 9,155,235 1,001,243 353.6 (38.7)
Age Group
   0-4 years 1,245,452 285,588 626.8 (143.7)
   5-17 years 2,931,909 507,050 547.3 (94.6)
   18-34 years 914,013 237,773 125.5 (32.6)
   35 – 64 years 4,214,600 637,353 344.3 (52.1)
   65+ years 1,627,955 311,081 362.2 (69.2)
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 3,106,587 580,799 560.7 (104.8)
   South 3,743209 532,089 318.7 (45.3)
   West 2,073,634 406,976 280.0 (55.0)
MSA status
  MSA 10,094,486 1,087,799 369.9 (39.9)

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

†Rate of child physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

Rate of adult physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).

Table B. Emergency department visits (ED) with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2014
2014 Emergency Department (ED) Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 2,024,408 256,718 64.5 ( 8.2)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 936,326 153,733 127.5 (20.9)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 1,088,082 151,620 45.3 ( 6.3)
   Male 1,124,154 166,027 73.4 (10.8)
   Female 900,254 128,235 56.1 ( 8.0)
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 1,173,915 177,221 48.3 ( 7.3)
   Black 808,508 169,230 198.3 (41.5)
   Hispanic or Latino 424,511 110,206 77.6 (20.1)
   Not Hispanic or Latino 1,599,897 201,334 61.8 ( 7.8)
Age Group
   0–4 years 262,078 58,929 131.9 (29.7)
   5–17 years 674,248 139,678 125.9 (26.1)
   18–34 years 468,902 101,363 64.4 (13.9)
   35–64 years 516,556 92,096 42.2 ( 7.5)
   65+ years 67,024 18,513 14.9 ( 4.1)
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 535,724 140,784 96.7 (25.4)
   Midwest 584,251 155,325 87.5 (23.3)
   South 537,759 83,277 45.8 ( 7.1)
MSA status
  MSA 1,769,517 256,141 64.8 ( 9.4)

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

†Rate of child emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

Rate of adult emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS).

Table C. Number and rate of hospital inpatient stays with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2014
2014 Hospital Inpatient Stay
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Rate*
Total 339,890 10.7
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 103,260 14.0
Adult (aged 18+ years) § 236,498 9.7
   Male 133,845 8.5
   Female 206,025 12.7
Age Group
   <1 year 3,385 8.6
   1-17 years 99,875 14.3
   18-44 years 57,365 5.0
   45-64 years 101,810 12.2
   65-84 years 64,030 16.0
   85+ years 13,295 21.6
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 82,785 14.7
   Midwest 77,975 11.5
   South 124,110 10.4
   West 55,020 7.3
MSA status
  MSA 299,175 10.9
  Non-MSA 38,975 9.6

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population (Standard error (SE) is not available).

†Rate of child hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

Rate of adult hospital visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Rate of MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated by combining the weighted number of visits for large central metro, large fringe metro (suburbs), medium and small metro categories and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for MSA per 10,000.Rate of non-MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for the micropolitan and noncore (rural) category and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for non- MSA per 10,000.

SOURCE: HCUPnet, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. For more information about HCUP data see