Healthcare Use Data 2011

Health care use asthma surveillance data tables include estimates for physician office visits from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), emergency department visits from  the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), and hospital inpatient stays from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) at the national level.

Table A. Physician office visits with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2011
2011 Physician Office Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 13,908,126 2,571,074 454.0 (83.9)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 6,132,768 1,349,793 831.1 (182.9)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 7,775,358 1,588,937 334.3 (68.3)
   Male 6,456,128 1,230,164 431.7 (82.3)
   Female 7,451,998 1,469,840 475.1 (93.7 )
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 10,888,349 2,161,833 453.9 (90.1)
   Black 1,943,275 468,446 494.0 (119.1)
   Hispanic or Latino 3,028,699 549,120 589.3 (106.8)
   Not Hispanic or Latino 10,879,427 2,254,705 426.7 (88.4)
Age Group
   0-4 years 2,100,855 514,081 1042.3 (255.0)
   5-17 years 4,031,913 991,308 751.8 (184.8)
   18-34 years
   35 – 64 years 4,966,417 1,042,078 407.9 (85.6)
   65+ years
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 2,638,520 773,932 481.8     (141.3)
MSA status
  MSA 12,173,543 2,510,155 472.9 (97.5)

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

†Rate of child physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).

Table B. Emergency department visits (ED) with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2011
2011 Emergency Department (ED) Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 1,780,929 163,166 58.1 (5.3)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 690,521 90,563 93.6 (12.3)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 1,090,408 108,595 46.9 (4.7)
   Male 730,668 89,037 48.9 (6.0)
   Female 1,050,261 101,313 67.0 (6.5)
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 986,027 92,493 41.1 (3.9)
   Black 685,980 107,238 174.4 (27.3)
   Other 108,922 31,888 40.1 (11.7)
   Hispanic or Latino 404,977 69,131 78.8 (13.5)
   Not Hispanic or Latino 1,375,952 129,278 54.0 (5.1)
Age Group
   0–4 years 213,173 46,622 105.8 (23.1)
   5–17 years 477,348 67,081 89.0 (12.5)
   18–34 years 367,570 50,101 52.0 (7.1)
   35–64 years 591,694 71,797 48.6 (5.9)
   65+ years
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 433,435 68,818 79.1 (12.6)
   Midwest 298,117 45,842 45.1 (6.9)
   South 705,150 123,736 62.0 (10.9)
   West 344,227 66,897 48.0 (9.3)
MSA status
  MSA 1,561,215 169,261 60.6 (6.6)

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

†Rate of child emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS).

Table C. Hospital inpatient stays with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2011
2011 Hospital Inpatient Stays
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Rate*
Total 368,528 11.8
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 89,268 12.1
Adult (aged 18+ years) § 273,404 11.6
   Male 133,922 8.7
   Female 232,970 14.7
Age Group
   <1 year 5,174 13.1
   1-17 years 89,268 12.8
   18-44 years 67,734 6.0
   45-64 years 11,4,740 13.9
   65-84 years 74,814 21.0
   85+ years 16,116 28.2
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 95,821 17.2
   Midwest 80,912 12.1
   South 137,765 11.9
   West 54,030 7.4
MSA status
  MSA 302,634 11.8
  Non-MSA 57,536 11.3

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population (,Standard error (SE)  is not available).

†Rate of child hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult hospital visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Rate of MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated by combining the weighted number of visits for large central metro, large fringe metro (suburbs), medium and small metro categories and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for MSA per 10,000.Rate of non-MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for the micropolitan and noncore (rural) category and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for non- MSA per 10,000.

SOURCE: HCUPnet, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. https://hcupnet.ahrq.govExternal/. For more information about HCUP data see