Healthcare Use Data 2010

Health care use asthma surveillance data tables include estimates for physician office visits from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), emergency department visits from  the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), and hospital inpatient stays from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) at the national level.

Table A: Physician office visits with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2010
2010 Physician Office Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 14,232,400 2,259,950 468.7 (74.4)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 5,703,356 1,533,921 776.8 (206.2)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 8,529,044 1,696,391 372.0 (74.0)
   Male 6,250,174 841,219 419.5 (56.5)
   Female 7,982,226 1,628,208 516.2 (105.3)
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 11,526,521 2,068,970 477.1 (85.6)
   Black 2,321,733 514,389 601.3 (133.2)
   Hispanic or Latino
   Not Hispanic or Latino 11,123,020 1,854,514 436.8 (72.8)
Age Group
   0-4 years
   5-17 years 3,512,218 912,857 661.1 (171.8)
   18-34 years 1800,353 417,126 255.0 (59.1)
   35 – 64 years 4341,735 1041,238 362.6 (87.0)
   65+ years 2185,039 646,431 561.6 (166.1)
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 2,476,927 654,567 453.8 (119.9)
   Midwest 2,053,411 415,306 311.6 (63.0)
   South 6,822,341 1978,235 609.0 (176.6)
   West 2,879,721 770,079 404.9 (108.3)
MSA status
  MSA 13,293,645 2319,138 517.5 (90.3)

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

†Rate of child physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult physician office visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS).

Table B: Emergency department (ED) visits with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2010
2010 Emergency Department (ED) Visits
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Standard Error of Weighted No. of visits Rate* (SE)
Total 1,754,308 158,314 57.8 (5.2)
Child (aged 0-17 years)† 730,061 111,915 98.2 (15.0)
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 1,024,247 98,158 44.7 (4.3)
   Male 787,747 96,242 52.9 (6.5)
   Female 966,561 89,682 62.5 (5.8)
Race, not considering ethnicity
   White 952,210 107,369 39.4 (4.4)
   Black 723,960 98,622 187.5 (25.5)
   Other 78,138 21,146 33.4 (9.0)
   Hispanic or Latino 277,507 62,853 56.7 (12.8)
   Not Hispanic or Latino 1,476,801 139,506 58.0 (5.5)
Age Group
   0–4 years 296,573 59,276 139.5 (27.9)
   5–17 years 433,488 67,630 81.6 (12.7)
   18–34 years 408,159 52,722 57.8 (7.5)
   35–64 years 485,024 64,606 40.5 (5.4)
   65+ years 122,227 31,870 31.4 (8.2)
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 375,084 46,240 68.7 (8.5)
   Midwest 421,711 71,581 64.0 (10.9)
   South 669,715 121,790 59.8 (10.9)
   West 287,798 54,566 40.5 (7.7)
MSA status
  MSA 1,549,322 160,271 60.3(6.2)

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; SE, standard error.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population and SE, standard error.

†Rate of child emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult emergency department visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Estimate is suppressed because relative standard error (RSE) of the estimate is >30%.

Source: CDC/NCHS. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS).

Table C. Hospital inpatient stays with asthma as the primary diagnosis per 10,000 population, by selected patient characteristics: United States, 2010
2010 Hospital Inpatient Stays
Characteristics Weighted No. of Visits Rate*
Total 488,884 13.0
Child (aged 0-17 years) 117,739 15.8
Adult (aged 18+ years)§ 284,145 12.2
   Male 153,051 10.1
   Female 247,024 15.7
Age Group
   <1 year 7,137 18.1
   1-17 years 110,602 15.8
   18-44 years 73,545 6.5
   45-64 years 120,875 14.8
   65-84 years 73,391 21.0
   85+ years 15,454 27.9
U.S. Census Region
   Northeast 100,396 18.1
   Midwest 83,497 12.5
   South 149,389 13.0
   West 68,601 9.5
MSA status§
  MSA 328,948 12.8
  Non-MSA 55,058 11.8

Abbreviations: MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area.

*Crude rate per 10,000 population (,Standard error (SE) is not available).

†Rate of child hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for children aged 0-17 years and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for children aged 0-17 years per 10,000.

  • Rate of adult hospital visits was calculated using the weighted number of visits for adults aged 18+ years divided by the civilian non-institutionalized population for adults aged 18+ years per 10,000.

Rate of MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated by combining the weighted number of visits for large central metro, large fringe metro (suburbs), medium and small metro categories and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for MSA per 10,000.Rate of non-MSA hospital inpatient stays was calculated using the weighted number of visits for the micropolitan and noncore (rural) category and dividing it by the civilian non-institutionalized population for non- MSA per 10,000.

SOURCE: HCUPnet, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. For more information about HCUP data see