2021 Child Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables

Table C4
Childa Current Asthmab Prevalence
and Weighted Numberc by Race/Ethnicity and State or Territory: BRFSS 2021
State Race/Ethnicityg Sample Sized Prevalence (Percent) Standard Error 95% CIe (Percent) || Weighted Numberc 95% CIe Weighted Numberc
Totalf White NH 33,584 5.1 0.23 (4.7–5.6) || 1,095,782 (1,000,624–1,190,939)
Totalf Black NH 4,818 10.9 0.87 (9.3–12.7) || 803,320 (671,786–934,855)
Totalf Other NH 6,326 5.8 0.72 (4.6–7.4) || 419,755 (315,249–524,260)
Totalf Hispanic 8,178 6.8 0.57 (5.7–8.0) || 842,757 (701,014–984,499)
AL White NH 495 8.5 1.90 (5.4–13.0) || 47,376 (25,547–69,205)
AL Black NH 296 13.8 2.67 (9.4–19.9) || 51,525 (30,887–72,164)
AL Other NH 63 (.–.) || 989 (.–.)
AL Hispanic 32 (.–.) || 1,553 (.–.)
CA White NH 282 2.3 0.82 (1.2–4.6) || 45,282 (14,015–76,548)
CA Black NH 40 21.6 7.92 (9.9–40.8) || 103,117 (21,205–185,029)
CA Other NH 219 3.2 1.15 (1.6–6.4) || 60,090 (17,659–102,520)
CA Hispanic 890 5.2 1.06 (3.4–7.7) || 220,932 (129,938–311,927)
CT White NH 1,019 4.2 0.84 (2.8–6.2) || 13,392 (8,147–18,636)
CT Black NH 137 11.9 3.91 (6.1–21.9) || 10,556 (3,415–17,696)
CT Other NH 228 11.2 3.44 (6.0–19.9) || 12,945 (4,600–21,290)
CT Hispanic 370 14.7 3.02 (9.7–21.7) || 24,281 (13,523–35,038)
DC White NH 192 (.–.) || 517 (.–.)
DC Black NH 173 11.5 2.99 (6.8–18.8) || 8,175 (3,837–12,512)
DC Other NH 54 (.–.) || 736 (.–.)
DC Hispanic 59 15.3 5.04 (7.8–27.9) || 2,837 (903–4,772)
GA White NH 676 8.4 1.97 (5.2–13.1) || 73,533 (37,480–109,586)
GA Black NH 364 10.7 2.14 (7.2–15.7) || 88,244 (52,522–123,966)
GA Other NH 117 6.4 3.15 (2.4–16.1) || 15,805 (115–31,495)
GA Hispanic 160 12.8 4.67 (6.1–25.0) || 49,730 (11,073–88,386)
HI White NH 213 5.0 2.31 (2.0–12.0) || 5,266 (296–10,237)
HI Black NH 14 (.–.) || 487 (.–.)
HI Other NH 1,097 4.3 0.92 (2.8–6.5) || 7,570 (4,349–10,791)
HI Hispanic 225 15.5 5.88 (7.0–30.7) || 2,194 (321–4,067)
IL White NH 287 4.0 1.13 (2.3–6.9) || 44,469 (20,661–68,276)
IL Black NH 71 7.1 3.29 (2.8–16.9) || 33,454 (2,910–63,998)
IL Other NH 52 12.4 8.55 (3.0–39.8) || 47,819 (0–119,543)
IL Hispanic 89 9.1 3.55 (4.2–18.9) || 52,179 (11,743–92,614)
IN White NH 1,358 5.0 0.67 (3.9–6.5) || 47,818 (35,275–60,362)
IN Black NH 193 12.6 2.70 (8.2–18.9) || 31,054 (17,445–44,662)
IN Other NH 167 9.2 3.70 (4.1–19.5) || 13,182 (2,064–24,300)
IN Hispanic 225 8.4 2.40 (4.7–14.4) || 12,338 (5,053–19,623)
KS White NH 3,143 7.1 0.57 (6.0–8.3) || 29,674 (24,947–34,401)
KS Black NH 167 14.5 3.04 (9.5–21.5) || 7,028 (4,056–10,000)
KS Other NH 368 6.0 1.52 (3.6–9.8) || 5,200 (2,575–7,825)
KS Hispanic 477 6.6 1.23 (4.6–9.5) || 7,535 (4,760–10,310)
KY White NH 830 4.7 0.90 (3.3–6.8) || 31,964 (20,016–43,912)
KY Black NH 60 (.–.) || 3,307 (.–.)
KY Other NH 58 (.–.) || 2,996 (.–.)
KY Hispanic 34 14.9 6.13 (6.4–31.1) || 8,700 (1,481–15,920)
ME White NH 1,564 7.2 1.01 (5.5–9.5) || 13,789 (9,984–17,593)
ME Black NH 18 (.–.) || 578 (.–.)
ME Other NH 73 7.6 4.06 (2.6–20.4) || 1,076 (0–2,227)
ME Hispanic 61 (.–.) || 485 (.–.)
MD White NH 1,507 5.3 0.96 (3.7–7.5) || 23,762 (15,211–32,313)
MD Black NH 799 9.2 1.32 (6.9–12.1) || 42,773 (30,802–54,745)
MD Other NH 370 6.8 1.90 (3.9–11.6) || 14,808 (6,420–23,196)
MD Hispanic 448 4.2 1.33 (2.3–7.7) || 7,287 (2,722–11,853)
MA White NH 850 10.1 1.44 (7.6–13.3) || 62,268 (44,299–80,237)
MA Black NH 134 10.1 3.23 (5.3–18.4) || 13,897 (5,025–22,768)
MA Other NH 152 5.7 2.33 (2.5–12.4) || 11,641 (2,123–21,159)
MA Hispanic 217 11.7 2.59 (7.5–17.8) || 29,319 (16,106–42,532)
MI White NH 1,104 7.3 1.17 (5.4–10.0) || 86,473 (58,512–114,433)
MI Black NH 201 7.1 1.86 (4.2–11.7) || 27,235 (13,218–41,252)
MI Other NH 172 3.1 1.17 (1.5–6.4) || 8,377 (2,322–14,433)
MI Hispanic 106 10.1 4.15 (4.4–21.6) || 19,545 (2,833–36,257)
MN White NH 2,285 5.6 0.62 (4.5–6.9) || 43,258 (33,824–52,692)
MN Black NH 190 12.3 3.57 (6.8–21.2) || 16,784 (6,509–27,059)
MN Other NH 442 3.3 0.85 (2.0–5.4) || 8,401 (4,146–12,656)
MN Hispanic 346 6.4 1.51 (4.0–10.1) || 6,589 (3,484–9,695)
MS White NH 501 7.6 1.66 (4.9–11.6) || 22,508 (12,669–32,346)
MS Black NH 403 13.2 2.30 (9.3–18.4) || 40,891 (26,182–55,601)
MS Other NH 35 (.–.) || 994 (.–.)
MS Hispanic 21 (.–.) || 606 (.–.)
MO White NH 2,100 5.1 0.64 (4.0–6.5) || 44,213 (33,365–55,061)
MO Black NH 181 15.1 3.67 (9.2–23.8) || 33,105 (16,304–49,906)
MO Other NH 184 8.8 2.55 (4.9–15.3) || 11,907 (5,106–18,709)
MO Hispanic 107 (.–.) || 1,805 (.–.)
MT White NH 889 4.2 0.72 (3.0–5.8) || 6,618 (4,360–8,877)
MT Black NH 7 (.–.) || 0 (.–.)
MT Other NH 299 8.6 2.37 (5.0–14.5) || 3,325 (1,454–5,196)
MT Hispanic 61 (.–.) || 974 (.–.)
NE White NH 2,413 4.4 0.55 (3.4–5.6) || 13,345 (10,090–16,600)
NE Black NH 78 10.5 4.72 (4.2–23.9) || 3,426 (222–6,631)
NE Other NH 208 6.8 2.15 (3.6–12.4) || 3,102 (1,180–5,024)
NE Hispanic 470 7.6 2.13 (4.4–13.0) || 6,639 (2,825–10,454)
NH White NH 699 7.8 1.30 (5.6–10.8) || 14,432 (9,716–19,147)
NH Black NH 17 (.–.) || 157 (.–.)
NH Other NH 66 (.–.) || 1,252 (.–.)
NH Hispanic 47 11.7 4.86 (5.0–25.0) || 2,139 (352–3,926)
NJ White NH 656 4.1 0.85 (2.7–6.1) || 31,397 (18,617–44,177)
NJ Black NH 184 5.4 1.96 (2.6–10.8) || 16,004 (4,477–27,532)
NJ Other NH 279 9.0 2.93 (4.7–16.6) || 31,991 (10,337–53,645)
NJ Hispanic 509 4.7 1.15 (2.9–7.5) || 20,313 (10,487–30,140)
NM White NH 383 6.2 1.80 (3.5–10.8) || 6,725 (2,811–10,639)
NM Black NH 22 29.4 15.58 (8.7–64.5) || 2,826 (0–6,639)
NM Other NH 284 3.2 1.06 (1.7–6.1) || 2,060 (749–3,372)
NM Hispanic 716 6.2 1.05 (4.5–8.6) || 16,900 (11,361–22,440)
NY White NH 1,309 5.0 1.02 (3.4–7.4) || 88,321 (52,868–123,775)
NY Black NH 232 8.2 2.40 (4.5–14.3) || 60,928 (24,830–97,027)
NY Other NH 239 5.7 2.18 (2.7–11.8) || 38,584 (9,220–67,949)
NY Hispanic 382 9.2 2.15 (5.8–14.4) || 68,210 (35,741–100,678)
OH White NH 2,003 5.4 0.66 (4.2–6.8) || 84,529 (64,178–104,879)
OH Black NH 153 6.4 2.35 (3.1–12.8) || 30,871 (8,217–53,525)
OH Other NH 201 7.3 2.12 (4.1–12.7) || 21,587 (9,243–33,931)
OH Hispanic 139 6.8 2.94 (2.9–15.3) || 8,348 (1,127–15,570)
PA White NH 788 3.8 0.72 (2.6–5.5) || 55,300 (35,229–75,370)
PA Black NH 155 10.3 2.89 (5.8–17.5) || 34,444 (14,986–53,903)
PA Other NH 112 6.2 2.72 (2.6–14.2) || 20,819 (2,883–38,755)
PA Hispanic 118 16.2 3.90 (9.9–25.3) || 46,096 (23,281–68,910)
RI White NH 728 6.8 1.34 (4.6–9.9) || 7,180 (4,327–10,033)
RI Black NH 80 8.6 4.13 (3.2–20.8) || 2,073 (38–4,108)
RI Other NH 114 (.–.) || 795 (.–.)
RI Hispanic 231 6.8 1.96 (3.8–11.8) || 3,224 (1,376–5,072)
TX White NH 842 3.4 0.91 (2.0–5.7) || 67,261 (31,688–102,833)
TX Black NH 212 12.2 3.14 (7.3–19.8) || 114,591 (55,270–173,912)
TX Other NH 243 7.8 2.42 (4.2–14.1) || 59,001 (22,294–95,708)
TX Hispanic 958 6.1 1.15 (4.2–8.8) || 210,919 (132,461–289,377)
UT White NH 2,495 5.5 0.55 (4.5–6.7) || 36,313 (29,125–43,500)
UT Black NH 30 (.–.) || 1,183 (.–.)
UT Other NH 221 4.0 1.25 (2.2–7.3) || 3,317 (1,322–5,313)
UT Hispanic 506 6.0 1.24 (4.0–8.9) || 9,475 (5,567–13,384)
VT White NH 1,164 4.7 0.73 (3.4–6.3) || 4,490 (3,125–5,856)
VT Black NH 15 (.–.) || 0 (.–.)
VT Other NH 74 (.–.) || 284 (.–.)
VT Hispanic 38 (.–.) || 157 (.–.)
WI White NH 802 5.4 1.00 (3.8–7.7) || 44,310 (28,385–60,236)
WI Black NH 33 28.4 14.31 (9.1–61.1) || 22,092 (0–49,840)
WI Other NH 121 6.0 2.90 (2.3–14.9) || 9,099 (458–17,740)
WI Hispanic 77 (.–.) || 1,406 (.–.)
VI White NH 7 (.–.) || 0 (.–.)
VI Black NH 159 12.6 4.29 (6.3–23.6) || 2,513 (736–4,290)
VI Other NH 14 (.–.) || 0 (.–.)
VI Hispanic 59 (.–.) || 38 (.–.)

For additional information on methods and variable description, refer to “Technical Information, available at: https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/brfss/2021/child/brfsschildtechinfo.htmlhttps://www.cdc.gov/asthma/brfss/2021/child/brfsschildtechinfo.html
aAged 0-17 years
bCurrent asthma question: Does the child still have asthma?
cWeighted number of respondents who answered the current asthma question
dUnweighted number of respondents who answered the current asthma question
eCI denotes confidence interval
fTotal includes data from 29 states and DC, but excludes Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
gNon-Hispanic (NH), Other race includes Non-Hispanic American Indian Native Alaskan, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, other, and Multiracial
(.–.) or empty cell: Suppressed if the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size or relative standard error (RSE) > 30%

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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