2020 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L2.2
Adulta Lifetimeb Asthma Weighted Numbere
by Sex at Birth and State or Territory: BRFSS 2020
State Male Sample Sizec Male Weighted Numbere Male 95% CId
(Weighted Number)
Female Sample Sizec Female Weighted Numbere Female 95% CId
(Weighted Number)
U.S. Totalf 180,274 14,350,399 (13,909,188–14,791,610) || 213,200 21,209,438 (20,678,326–21,740,550)
AL 2,170 241,855 (205,093–278,617) || 3,163 320,111 (284,532–355,690)
AK 1,810 29,903 (22,203–37,603) || 1,845 46,066 (38,288–53,845)
AZ 4,748 342,959 (304,788–381,129) || 5,505 488,187 (443,709–532,664)
AR 2,181 111,092 (92,286–129,898) || 3,046 180,277 (154,186–206,369)
CA 2,330 1,971,308 (1,677,284–2,265,332) || 2,451 2,678,728 (2,326,034–3,031,423)
CO 4,998 270,139 (244,915–295,364) || 5,161 372,677 (343,115–402,238)
CT 4,075 179,024 (154,448–203,600) || 4,871 250,667 (225,021–276,312)
DE 1,785 50,094 (40,140–60,049) || 2,232 62,549 (53,519–71,579)
DC 1,547 39,362 (32,489–46,236) || 1,872 52,998 (44,719–61,276)
FL 5,348 846,115 (710,584–981,647) || 6,420 1,215,353 (1,066,011–1,364,695)
GA 3,964 461,046 (386,992–535,100) || 5,090 629,215 (557,809–700,621)
HI 3,560 67,922 (59,085–76,759) || 4,185 92,817 (83,802–101,831)
ID 2,889 69,276 (57,509–81,043) || 3,069 107,721 (94,453–120,988)
IL 1,705 478,066 (391,178–564,953) || 1,972 722,317 (612,728–831,905)
IN 3,824 290,465 (257,705–323,226) || 4,626 435,750 (398,128–473,373)
IA 4,608 112,339 (99,438–125,240) || 5,007 177,163 (161,767–192,559)
KS 4,876 129,759 (115,726–143,791) || 5,607 183,569 (167,654–199,484)
KY 1,839 227,235 (191,736–262,735) || 2,081 332,061 (290,202–373,920)
LA 2,155 221,000 (183,442–258,557) || 2,583 279,519 (244,591–314,446)
ME 4,498 68,876 (59,981–77,771) || 6,463 93,142 (84,065–102,219)
MD 6,411 253,539 (225,605–281,473) || 7,835 366,051 (336,999–395,104)
MA 3,263 324,778 (283,105–366,451) || 3,882 538,123 (484,664–591,581)
MI 3,201 454,805 (392,520–517,089) || 4,041 754,660 (685,386–823,934)
MN 7,613 206,057 (187,530–224,584) || 8,182 318,512 (296,761–340,263)
MS 2,566 135,098 (116,404–153,792) || 3,900 188,880 (168,507–209,252)
MO 4,074 246,395 (215,232–277,558) || 5,097 395,758 (358,963–432,553)
MT 3,128 50,793 (44,606–56,980) || 3,172 77,651 (69,536–85,765)
NE 6,790 63,066 (55,691–70,442) || 7,977 94,546 (85,353–103,740)
NV 1,207 138,527 (109,351–167,703) || 1,267 187,424 (153,387–221,460)
NH 2,830 68,365 (58,525–78,206) || 3,586 102,371 (91,713–113,028)
NJ 5,454 360,155 (320,840–399,471) || 5,882 512,119 (468,696–555,541)
NM 3,024 96,002 (80,710–111,294) || 3,968 134,216 (117,086–151,346)
NY 6,685 880,386 (792,947–967,826) || 8,028 1,210,707 (1,117,801–1,303,613)
NC 2,632 401,048 (344,789–457,306) || 3,191 621,507 (552,717–690,297)
ND 2,155 27,147 (21,815–32,479) || 2,298 42,108 (35,202–49,013)
OH 6,684 507,974 (454,329–561,618) || 7,937 809,618 (746,061–873,175)
OK 2,169 196,048 (168,284–223,812) || 2,854 268,367 (239,564–297,170)
OR 2,595 207,406 (181,484–233,328) || 2,809 321,961 (290,801–353,121)
PA 2,746 613,078 (522,271–703,885) || 2,780 938,749 (831,596–1,045,902)
RI 2,297 50,912 (41,976–59,848) || 3,067 84,528 (74,424–94,632)
SC 1,785 212,978 (175,593–250,363) || 2,217 359,885 (313,457–406,312)
SD 3,068 29,099 (22,116–36,082) || 3,841 45,171 (36,409–53,932)
TN 2,103 321,633 (270,580–372,687) || 2,538 522,947 (458,294–587,600)
TX 5,187 961,432 (806,764–1,116,101) || 5,807 1,722,965 (1,502,076–1,943,854)
UT 5,327 172,688 (157,677–187,700) || 5,548 205,944 (189,510–222,379)
VT 2,890 27,959 (23,655–32,263) || 3,625 48,609 (42,834–54,384)
VA 4,261 340,706 (297,907–383,505) || 5,249 566,268 (513,910–618,626)
WA 6,066 391,156 (356,190–426,121) || 6,792 514,200 (477,100–551,300)
WV 2,572 106,679 (92,780–120,577) || 3,292 133,594 (120,459–146,728)
WI 2,431 268,396 (222,460–314,332) || 2,654 362,706 (311,764–413,648)
WY 2,150 28,259 (23,510–33,009) || 2,635 38,410 (32,803–44,016)
GU 1,015 3,907 (2,489–5,325) || 1,166 7,067 (4,880–9,254)
PR 1,975 180,104 (144,234–215,975) || 2,961 270,848 (237,622–304,074)

Notes: For additional information on methods and variable description, refer to ‘Technical Information’, available at: https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/brfss/2020/brfsstechinfo.html
aAged 18+ years
bLifetime question: Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional EVER told you that you had asthma?
cUnweighted number of respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
dCI denotes confidence interval
eWeighted number of the respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
fU.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the territories
‘.–./blank’:Suppressed if the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size or relative standard error (RSE)>30%

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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