2020 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L1
Adulta Lifetimeb Asthma Prevalence
and Number by State or Territory: BRFSS 2020
State Sample
95% CId
95% CId
(Weighted Number)
U.S. Totalf 393,474 13.9 0.13 (13.6–14.1) || 35,559,837 (34,884,532–36,235,142)
AL 5,333 14.7 0.64 (13.4–15.9) || 561,966 (512,103–611,828)
AK 3,655 13.9 0.96 (12.0–15.8) || 75,969 (65,324–86,614)
AZ 10,253 14.5 0.50 (13.5–15.5) || 831,145 (774,145–888,146)
AR 5,227 12.5 0.67 (11.2–13.8) || 291,370 (259,926–322,813)
CA 4,781 15.1 0.72 (13.7–16.6) || 4,650,036 (4,200,456–5,099,616)
CO 10,159 14.1 0.41 (13.2–14.9) || 642,816 (605,072–680,560)
CT 8,946 15.2 0.60 (14.0–16.4) || 429,691 (394,981–464,400)
DE 4,017 14.5 0.82 (12.8–16.1) || 112,643 (99,567–125,720)
DC 3,419 16.0 0.88 (14.2–17.7) || 92,360 (81,869–102,850)
FL 11,768 11.7 0.57 (10.6–12.9) || 2,061,468 (1,864,248–2,258,688)
GA 9,054 13.2 0.61 (12.0–14.4) || 1,090,261 (989,661–1,190,862)
HI 7,745 14.5 0.55 (13.4–15.6) || 160,739 (148,438–173,039)
ID 5,958 13.0 0.64 (11.7–14.2) || 176,997 (159,818–194,176)
IL 3,677 12.3 0.70 (10.9–13.6) || 1,200,383 (1,063,633–1,337,132)
IN 8,450 14.0 0.47 (13.1–14.9) || 726,216 (677,723–774,708)
IA 9,615 11.9 0.40 (11.1–12.7) || 289,502 (269,882–309,121)
KS 10,483 14.2 0.46 (13.3–15.1) || 313,328 (292,633–334,022)
KY 3,920 16.1 0.76 (14.7–17.6) || 559,296 (506,107–612,485)
LA 4,738 14.1 0.70 (12.7–15.5) || 500,519 (450,507–550,530)
ME 10,961 14.8 0.56 (13.7–15.9) || 162,018 (149,633–174,404)
MD 14,246 13.1 0.41 (12.3–13.9) || 619,591 (580,115–659,066)
MA 7,145 15.6 0.59 (14.4–16.7) || 862,900 (796,677–929,124)
MI 7,242 15.4 0.57 (14.3–16.6) || 1,209,465 (1,118,613–1,300,316)
MN 15,795 12.0 0.32 (11.4–12.6) || 524,569 (496,633–552,504)
MS 6,466 14.2 0.59 (13.1–15.4) || 323,978 (297,037–350,919)
MO 9,171 13.4 0.49 (12.5–14.4) || 642,153 (595,212–689,094)
MT 6,300 15.1 0.58 (14.0–16.3) || 128,444 (118,535–138,352)
NE 14,767 10.7 0.39 (10.0–11.5) || 157,613 (146,085–169,140)
NV 2,474 13.3 0.91 (11.6–15.1) || 325,950 (282,477–369,424)
NH 6,416 15.4 0.63 (14.1–16.6) || 170,736 (156,641–184,830)
NJ 11,336 12.6 0.41 (11.8–13.4) || 872,274 (814,914–929,634)
NM 6,992 14.2 0.69 (12.8–15.6) || 230,218 (207,997–252,439)
NY 14,713 13.6 0.40 (12.8–14.4) || 2,091,093 (1,966,504–2,215,682)
NC 5,823 12.3 0.53 (11.3–13.3) || 1,022,555 (935,916–1,109,193)
ND 4,453 11.9 0.72 (10.5–13.3) || 69,255 (60,697–77,812)
OH 14,621 14.4 0.44 (13.6–15.3) || 1,317,592 (1,236,681–1,398,502)
OK 5,023 15.4 0.64 (14.2–16.7) || 464,415 (425,656–503,175)
OR 5,404 15.6 0.58 (14.5–16.8) || 529,367 (490,032–568,701)
PA 5,526 15.3 0.66 (14.0–16.6) || 1,551,827 (1,414,857–1,688,797)
RI 5,364 15.8 0.75 (14.4–17.3) || 135,440 (122,315–148,565)
SC 4,002 14.0 0.71 (12.6–15.4) || 572,863 (515,052–630,673)
SD 6,909 11.0 0.82 (9.4–12.6) || 74,270 (63,266–85,274)
TN 4,641 15.7 0.74 (14.3–17.2) || 844,580 (764,727–924,433)
TX 10,994 12.3 0.60 (11.1–13.5) || 2,684,397 (2,420,429–2,948,364)
UT 10,875 16.3 0.46 (15.4–17.2) || 378,633 (357,100–400,165)
VT 6,515 15.1 0.68 (13.7–16.4) || 76,568 (69,544–83,591)
VA 9,510 13.5 0.49 (12.6–14.5) || 906,974 (840,987–972,962)
WA 12,858 15.0 0.41 (14.2–15.8) || 905,356 (855,852–954,859)
WV 5,864 16.9 0.64 (15.7–18.2) || 240,272 (221,756–258,789)
WI 5,085 13.8 0.72 (12.4–15.2) || 631,102 (564,131–698,074)
WY 4,785 15.0 0.79 (13.5–16.6) || 66,669 (59,543–73,795)
GU 2,181 10.3 1.18 (7.9–12.6) || 10,973 (8,388–13,559)
PR 4,936 16.5 0.83 (14.9–18.1) || 450,952 (404,263–497,641)

Notes: For additional information on methods and variable description, refer to ‘Technical Information’, available at: https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/brfss/2020/brfsstechinfo.html
aAged 18+ years
bLifetime question: Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional EVER told you that you had asthma?
cUnweighted number of respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
dCI denotes confidence interval
eWeighted number of the respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
fU.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the territories
‘.–./blank’:Suppressed if the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size or relative standard error (RSE)>30%

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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