2020 Child Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables

Table L1
Childa Lifetime Asthmab Prevalence
and Weighted Numberc by State or Territory: BRFSS 2020
State Sample Sized Prevalence
95% CIe
95% CIe
Totalf 47,356 11.3 0.38 (10.6–12.0) 5,420,952 (5,059,448–5,782,457)
CA 909 10.0 1.27 (7.7–12.7) 875,328 (653,509–1,097,147)
CT 1,855 18.0 1.69 (15.0–21.6) 124,416 (100,497–148,335)
DC 545 12.8 1.75 (9.7–16.6) 16,896 (12,232–21,561)
FL 1,726 10.1 1.34 (7.8–13.0) 408,997 (302,373–515,620)
GA 1,729 16.6 1.65 (13.6–20.1) 394,259 (313,986–474,532)
HI 1,572 13.6 1.19 (11.4–16.1) 39,424 (32,458–46,391)
IN 1,718 8.6 0.77 (7.2–10.2) 127,080 (104,439–149,721)
KS 2,342 10.7 0.79 (9.2–12.3) 71,330 (60,827–81,832)
KY 790 9.9 1.38 (7.5–13.0) 93,548 (68,092–119,005)
ME 1,520 12.2 1.24 (10.0–14.9) 27,383 (21,910–32,855)
MA 595 12.9 1.92 (9.6–17.2) 152,875 (106,259–199,492)
MI 1,457 12.4 1.08 (10.4–14.7) 251,379 (207,878–294,880)
MN 3,668 6.6 0.54 (5.7–7.8) 83,399 (70,124–96,674)
MS 1,357 13.9 1.40 (11.4–16.9) 91,764 (73,191–110,338)
MO 1,833 12.2 1.03 (10.4–14.4) 157,813 (130,939–184,686)
MT 1,388 9.4 0.99 (7.6–11.5) 20,695 (16,390–24,999)
NE 3,377 7.3 0.67 (6.1–8.8) 34,246 (28,112–40,380)
NV 448 8.6 1.78 (5.7–12.7) 56,073 (33,382–78,764)
NH 938 12.2 1.33 (9.8–15.0) 29,405 (23,047–35,763)
NJ 2,203 12.0 0.95 (10.3–14.0) 212,802 (179,112–246,492)
NM 1,475 10.7 1.32 (8.4–13.6) 48,389 (36,618–60,160)
NY 978 12.4 1.35 (10.0–15.3) 469,100 (368,807–569,393)
OH 2,864 10.2 0.89 (8.5–12.1) 243,263 (200,838–285,688)
PA 1,125 14.2 1.68 (11.2–17.8) 350,884 (265,704–436,063)
RI 1,004 15.0 1.64 (12.1–18.5) 29,233 (22,859–35,607)
TX 2,489 11.1 1.29 (8.8–13.9) 796,125 (612,020–980,230)
UT 3,292 8.7 0.62 (7.6–10.0) 80,562 (69,309–91,816)
VT 1,222 11.3 1.16 (9.3–13.8) 12,266 (9,821–14,710)
WI 937 10.0 1.55 (7.4–13.5) 122,018 (84,462–159,575)
PR 1,169 13.8 1.12 (11.7–16.1) 94,554 (79,214–109,894)

Notes: For additional information on methods and variable description, refer to “Technical Information, available at: https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/brfss/2020/child/brfsschildtechinfo.html
aAged 0-17
bLifetime question: Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional ever said that the child has asthma?
cWeighted number of respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
dUnweighted number of respondents who answered the lifetime asthma question
eCI denotes confidence interval
fTotal includes data from 30 states and DC, but excludes Puerto Rico
‘.–./blank’: Suppressed if the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size or relative standard error (RSE)>30%

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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