2019 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L2.2
Adult* Self-Reported Lifetime Asthma Weighted Number
by Sex and State or Territory: BRFSS 2019
State Male Sample Size§ Male Weighted Number Male 95% CI
Female Sample Size§ Female Weighted Number Female 95% CI
U.S. Total** 185,701 14,868,764 (14,503,435–15,234,093) || 222,619 21,212,496 (20,776,661–21,648,332)
AL 2,857 246,524 (211,312–281,735) || 4,183 336,525 (302,611–370,439)
AK 1,415 35,465 (27,620–43,309) || 1,546 45,998 (36,765–55,231)
AZ 4,072 342,500 (295,758–389,242) || 4,833 517,517 (460,690–574,345)
AR 2,185 133,512 (111,693–155,330) || 3,149 210,175 (182,228–238,121)
CA 5,864 1,989,819 (1,818,631–2,161,007) || 5,727 2,485,633 (2,283,680–2,687,585)
CO 4,477 314,179 (284,622–343,736) || 4,799 371,019 (339,357–402,682)
CT 4,184 197,213 (173,148–221,277) || 4,951 276,890 (250,947–302,833)
DE 1,735 49,881 (39,461–60,301) || 2,149 69,465 (59,447–79,482)
DC 1,142 44,738 (35,737–53,740) || 1,466 59,338 (50,771–67,904)
FL 7,657 851,558 (732,265–970,852) || 9,241 1,368,306 (1,217,116–1,519,496)
GA 3,220 442,417 (372,490–512,343) || 4,118 597,620 (525,497–669,742)
HI 3,690 81,519 (72,240–90,797) || 3,973 100,080 (90,359–109,802)
ID 2,573 84,582 (70,503–98,661) || 2,866 108,685 (93,301–124,069)
IL 2,576 567,630 (492,775–642,485) || 2,924 772,474 (681,112–863,837)
IN 3,977 287,518 (254,777–320,259) || 4,881 459,323 (418,757–499,890)
IA 4,555 115,906 (103,007–128,805) || 5,205 179,691 (163,927–195,454)
KS 5,346 140,236 (127,231–153,241) || 5,980 187,893 (173,121–202,664)
KY 3,456 204,407 (174,239–234,575) || 4,472 285,166 (252,946–317,386)
LA 2,035 203,101 (172,674–233,528) || 2,672 326,735 (291,626–361,844)
ME 4,762 68,868 (59,235–78,501) || 6,551 108,523 (97,208–119,837)
MD 7,587 279,876 (251,507–308,245) || 9,779 408,763 (378,570–438,956)
MA 3,559 335,365 (296,253–374,477) || 4,127 524,133 (475,966–572,300)
MI 4,636 537,668 (479,335–596,000) || 5,836 743,302 (683,317–803,288)
MN 7,588 231,312 (212,666–249,958) || 7,899 330,071 (308,035–352,106)
MS 2,045 122,057 (100,062–144,051) || 3,062 204,419 (180,357–228,482)
MO 3,183 298,954 (260,298–337,611) || 4,084 416,874 (370,580–463,167)
MT 3,180 58,188 (51,514–64,861) || 3,296 66,489 (59,777–73,201)
NE 7,134 73,660 (66,085–81,234) || 8,693 107,916 (98,691–117,141)
NV 1,310 143,388 (115,262–171,513) || 1,463 206,431 (171,690–241,171)
NH 2,618 66,755 (56,066–77,444) || 3,222 109,163 (97,265–121,060)
NM 2,760 89,940 (76,148–103,732) || 3,194 116,088 (101,923–130,253)
NY 6,545 897,604 (809,597–985,611) || 7,632 1,372,146 (1,267,106–1,477,185)
NC 2,001 441,736 (372,726–510,747) || 2,279 634,478 (561,423–707,533)
ND 2,586 33,703 (28,257–39,149) || 2,929 38,562 (32,444–44,681)
OH 5,632 582,278 (514,610–649,945) || 7,853 853,775 (781,919–925,632)
OK 2,735 213,346 (186,792–239,899) || 3,560 259,748 (233,340–286,157)
OR 2,919 211,011 (185,368–236,655) || 3,160 352,014 (318,419–385,608)
PA 3,189 660,086 (580,689–739,482) || 3,401 945,773 (848,983–1,042,562)
RI 2,678 55,628 (46,828–64,428) || 3,413 81,708 (72,556–90,861)
SC 3,219 246,781 (213,538–280,023) || 3,904 369,503 (331,444–407,562)
SD 2,905 36,776 (28,930–44,623) || 3,704 43,252 (34,509–51,995)
TN 2,725 313,355 (269,617–357,094) || 3,490 490,344 (439,342–541,347)
TX 5,336 1,172,706 (1,005,989–1,339,424) || 6,926 1,710,532 (1,498,111–1,922,954)
UT 5,717 155,655 (142,229–169,081) || 6,020 200,481 (184,809–216,153)
VT 2,897 38,744 (33,253–44,235) || 3,540 52,177 (46,163–58,191)
VA 4,446 401,208 (356,499–445,917) || 5,479 547,400 (499,640–595,161)
WA 6,182 403,049 (368,670–437,429) || 6,762 577,730 (536,696–618,764)
WV 2,319 96,738 (83,257–110,220) || 2,961 141,164 (125,531–156,796)
WI 2,246 244,052 (202,864–285,241) || 2,689 406,768 (356,015–457,521)
WY 2,046 25,572 (21,125–30,018) || 2,576 34,235 (28,872–39,599)
GU 1,139 4,372 (3,235–5,509) || 1,281 6,781 (4,595–8,967)
PR 2,244 191,893 (166,812–216,973) || 3,775 301,340 (276,287–326,394)

*Aged 18+ years
**U.S. Total includes 49 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories, New Jersey was excluded because of not meeting the minimum data collection requirements.
CI denotes confidence interval.
§ Sample size is the number of respondents answered current asthma question
If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.
When the Sample Size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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