2019 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult* Self-Reported Current Asthma Weighted Number
by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2019
State Male Sample Size§ Male Weighted Number Male 95% CI
(Weighted Number)
Female Sample Size§ Female Weighted Number Female 95% CI
(Weighted Number)
U.S. Total** 184,907 7,605,015 (7,351,478–7,858,551) || 221,664 14,644,075 (14,291,175–14,996,976)
AL 2,846 126,220 (101,837–150,602) || 4,162 234,746 (205,847–263,645)
AK 1,406 21,061 (15,308–26,815) || 1,540 33,177 (24,742–41,612)
AZ 4,058 180,549 (147,577–213,521) || 4,805 363,845 (315,039–412,651)
AR 2,174 65,745 (51,395–80,094) || 3,137 149,351 (126,116–172,586)
CA 5,837 877,082 (760,299–993,865) || 5,711 1,528,715 (1,369,606–1,687,824)
CO 4,451 161,468 (140,722–182,213) || 4,776 273,135 (245,429–300,841)
CT 4,164 98,959 (83,497–114,422) || 4,933 199,011 (176,944–221,079)
DE 1,727 21,680 (15,377–27,983) || 2,138 53,439 (44,298–62,580)
DC 1,135 23,393 (16,525–30,261) || 1,456 41,860 (34,724–48,996)
FL 7,635 370,445 (301,723–439,166) || 9,214 922,124 (796,196–1,048,052)
GA 3,200 183,628 (136,013–231,244) || 4,099 437,166 (373,334–500,998)
HI 3,677 42,854 (35,765–49,943) || 3,957 63,559 (55,854–71,264)
ID 2,560 52,002 (41,004–63,000) || 2,856 79,708 (67,127–92,288)
IL 2,572 299,791 (244,709–354,874) || 2,915 508,670 (440,655–576,684)
IN 3,954 172,317 (146,678–197,956) || 4,847 327,524 (294,296–360,751)
IA 4,540 61,732 (52,082–71,383) || 5,194 132,882 (119,183–146,581)
KS 5,321 76,832 (67,501–86,164) || 5,954 140,642 (127,587–153,697)
KY 3,441 119,124 (96,092–142,156) || 4,450 207,553 (179,412–235,695)
LA 2,028 72,038 (55,367–88,709) || 2,660 208,583 (180,341–236,825)
ME 4,746 46,834 (38,598–55,070) || 6,524 81,062 (71,623–90,501)
MD 7,561 147,061 (125,999–168,123) || 9,728 276,991 (252,329–301,653)
MA 3,540 192,020 (162,643–221,397) || 4,118 378,359 (336,851–419,867)
MI 4,604 326,488 (280,236–372,740) || 5,807 541,243 (489,457–593,029)
MN 7,563 124,185 (110,317–138,053) || 7,885 234,483 (215,548–253,417)
MS 2,040 68,469 (51,951–84,987) || 3,056 156,999 (135,453–178,545)
MO 3,174 172,936 (144,113–201,760) || 4,067 306,100 (267,374–344,826)
MT 3,165 32,214 (27,191–37,238) || 3,282 51,066 (45,096–57,036)
NE 7,108 38,676 (33,260–44,093) || 8,671 78,092 (70,174–86,010)
NV 1,304 77,473 (57,300–97,647) || 1,460 147,351 (117,235–177,468)
NH 2,610 37,260 (29,684–44,836) || 3,206 82,046 (71,947–92,144)
NM 2,747 51,736 (41,524–61,949) || 3,173 82,979 (71,031–94,927)
NY 6,514 477,476 (415,754–539,199) || 7,595 942,475 (855,770–1,029,180)
NC 1,998 207,573 (162,162–252,985) || 2,271 474,115 (409,853–538,378)
ND 2,577 18,741 (14,737–22,745) || 2,918 28,628 (23,421–33,835)
OH 5,612 364,391 (308,907–419,874) || 7,817 644,643 (580,626–708,660)
OK 2,717 111,848 (93,496–130,199) || 3,540 191,099 (169,008–213,189)
OR 2,899 119,660 (100,665–138,654) || 3,135 250,075 (221,637–278,514)
PA 3,181 382,405 (321,775–443,035) || 3,389 721,628 (635,669–807,586)
RI 2,665 30,953 (24,539–37,366) || 3,401 63,864 (55,594–72,134)
SC 3,199 122,980 (97,090–148,870) || 3,875 253,378 (221,716–285,041)
SD 2,891 22,537 (16,207–28,867) || 3,686 33,973 (25,753–42,194)
TN 2,710 160,508 (128,428–192,588) || 3,468 303,147 (264,168–342,126)
TX 5,314 510,482 (397,222–623,741) || 6,890 1,021,829 (862,772–1,180,886)
UT 5,681 86,759 (76,584–96,933) || 5,984 137,010 (124,071–149,948)
VT 2,882 21,617 (17,619–25,615) || 3,528 37,523 (32,373–42,672)
VA 4,429 191,562 (161,719–221,406) || 5,452 394,777 (354,356–435,198)
WA 6,164 213,742 (187,893–239,592) || 6,730 376,899 (343,155–410,643)
WV 2,310 55,951 (45,896–66,007) || 2,954 108,065 (94,289–121,841)
WI 2,240 148,219 (116,795–179,643) || 2,680 311,856 (267,493–356,219)
WY 2,036 15,336 (11,843–18,828) || 2,570 26,632 (21,894–31,369)
GU 1,139 1,509 (923–2,094) || 1,276 4,047 (2,140–5,954)
PR 2,243 90,567 (73,903–107,231) || 3,774 196,944 (176,371–217,517)

*Aged 18+ years
**U.S. Total includes 49 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories, New Jersey was excluded because of not meeting the minimum data collection requirements.
CI denotes confidence interval.
§Sample size is the number of respondents answered current asthma question
If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.
When the Sample Size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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