2018 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L2.2
Adult* Self-Reported Lifetime Asthma Weighted Number
by Sex and State or Territory: BRFSS 2018
State Male
Sample Size§
Male Weighted
Male 95% CI
Sample Size§
Female Weighted
Female 95% CI
U.S. Total** 194,148 15,073,870 (14,678,240–15,469,500) || 234,346 21,706,847 (21,258,754–22,154,941)
AL 2,705 256,929 (222,154–291,705) || 3,856 367,705 (329,957–405,454)
AK 1,373 29,910 (23,477–36,344) || 1,368 50,885 (42,001–59,769)
AZ 3,658 372,725 (320,934–424,517) || 4,391 461,093 (409,395–512,791)
AR 1,964 127,012 (102,580–151,444) || 3,371 207,491 (181,467–233,516)
CA 6,090 2,046,085 (1,865,267–2,226,904) || 5,804 2,621,705 (2,411,805–2,831,604)
CO 4,299 274,990 (247,901–302,078) || 4,565 359,815 (327,917–391,713)
CT 4,700 181,749 (162,056–201,442) || 5,952 252,613 (231,515–273,711)
DE 2,302 42,920 (35,359–50,481) || 2,911 67,160 (58,621–75,699)
DC 1,963 38,458 (32,514–44,403) || 2,410 63,322 (55,274–71,370)
FL 6,793 796,305 (676,311–916,299) || 8,412 1,539,307 (1,368,934–1,709,679)
GA 4,081 422,713 (9.8–12.2) || 5,181 663,073 (604,327–721,819)
HI 3,831 80,338 (71,290–89,386) || 4,053 102,549 (92,026–113,071)
ID 1,809 73,565 (60,926–86,205) || 1,854 105,342 (89,301–121,384)
IL 2,515 541,682 (470,688–612,675) || 2,762 755,973 (670,062–841,885)
IN 3,209 284,530 (247,646–321,414) || 4,349 464,670 (421,837–507,503)
IA 4,322 125,208 (111,803–138,613) || 4,757 166,816 (151,301–182,330)
KS 4,954 128,297 (115,379–141,215) || 5,816 195,204 (178,746–211,661)
KY 3,596 238,257 (203,145–273,368) || 4,901 326,962 (290,356–363,569)
LA 2,243 244,852 (199,129–290,574) || 2,850 288,784 (253,819–323,748)
ME 4,571 75,563 (65,111–86,014) || 6,311 107,267 (96,268–118,267)
MD 7,409 291,377 (260,310–322,445) || 10,049 410,533 (378,932–442,135)
MA 3,061 342,511 (299,464–385,559) || 3,554 491,514 (438,083–544,944)
MI 4,830 523,370 (472,020–574,719) || 5,450 723,582 (666,526–780,637)
MN 8,254 206,970 (189,153–224,786) || 8,648 290,921 (270,626–311,215)
MS 2,349 155,489 (132,565–178,414) || 3,476 190,816 (169,306–212,325)
MO 2,659 252,373 (211,719–293,027) || 3,547 455,341 (400,524–510,158)
MT 2,396 53,326 (45,125–61,527) || 2,775 66,972 (58,525–75,419)
NE 6,541 79,477 (70,698–88,257) || 8,042 112,388 (102,234–122,542)
NV 1,510 113,055 (84,501–141,610) || 1,696 182,109 (147,442–216,775)
NH 2,532 76,383 (64,785–87,981) || 3,157 113,688 (100,427–126,949)
NJ 1,485 341,828/td> (264,707–418,949) || 1,598 558,328 (462,734–653,922)
NM 3,077 99,770 (86,490–113,049) || 3,607 149,111 (132,661–165,561)
NY 16,444 968,179 (896,333–1,040,024) || 18,798 1,414,759 (1,324,985–1,504,533)
NC 2,195 460,215 (386,767–533,663) || 2,522 715,896 (628,498–803,295)
ND 2,685 37,533 (31,993–43,074) || 2,916 37,867 (31,786–43,949)
OH 5,366 514,007 (450,742–577,272) || 7,351 696,575 (634,486–758,664)
OK 2,194 194,507 (164,791–224,222) || 3,045 279,685 (249,624–309,746)
OR 2,739 248,017 (220,526–275,508) || 3,175 334,911 (302,240–367,582)
PA 3,011 566,958 (489,347–644,570) || 3,166 933,439 (836,780–1,030,098)
RI 2,459 60,112 (50,284–69,941) || 3,105 79,882 (71,042–88,721)
SC 4,309 212,855 (185,620–240,091) || 6,490 338,410 (307,865–368,955)
SD 3,221 32,912 (26,325–39,498) || 3,864 42,277 (34,832–49,721)
TN 2,316 280,768 (239,345–322,191) || 2,820 509,288 (448,455–570,122)
TX 4,938 1,320,171 (1,105,484–1,534,858) || 6,197 1,614,711 (1,412,441–1,816,981)
UT 5,202 142,943 (129,642–156,243) || 5,279 178,287 (162,952–193,621)
VT 2,906 36,984 (31,291–42,677) || 3,593 50,823 (45,411–56,236)
VA 4,608 337,853 (296,161–379,544) || 5,674 544,576 (494,649–594,502)
WA 6,020 394,878 (358,748–431,008) || 7,010 537,903 (497,908–577,898)
WV 2,126 96,622 (82,769–110,474) || 2,758 136,830 (122,455–151,204)
WI 2,341 225,787 (187,682–263,892) || 2,644 317,430 (272,623–362,237)
WY 1,987 24,552 (20,595–28,510) || 2,466 30,262 (25,955–34,569)
GU 728 7,223 (4,901–9,545) || 911 4,979 (3,764–6,194)
PR 1,855 179,374 (149,467–209,282) || 2,979 327,210 (297,513–356,906)

*Aged 18+ years
**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.
CI denotes confidence interval.
§ Sample size is the number of respondents answered lifetime asthma question
If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.
When the Sample Size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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