2017 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L2.2:
Adult* Self-Reported Lifetime Asthma Weighted Number
by Sex and State or Territory: BRFSS 2017
State Male
Sample Size§
95% CI
(Weighted Number)
Sample Size§
95% CI
(Weighted Number)
U.S. Total** 195,590 14,675,685 (14,292,625–15,058,746) || 246,705 20,864,359 (20,424,918–21,303,800)
AL 2,703 264,656 (229,497–299,815) || 4,023 354,343 (319,564–389,123)
AK 1,532 29,142 (20,309–37,976) || 1,658 48,037 (38,405–57,669)
AZ 6,968 382,072 (350,300–413,844) || 8,462 471,554 (441,068–502,041)
AR 1,879 165,952 (131,130–200,773) || 3,414 199,164 (167,169–231,159)
CA 4,547 1,841,652 (1,648,446–2,034,857) || 4,775 2,438,243 (2,206,269–2,670,218)
CO 4,531 289,694 (261,105–318,283) || 5,230 341,731 (311,585–371,876)
CT 4,594 197,467 (175,000–219,933) || 5,947 279,564 (255,971–303,156)
DE 1,842 49,650 (39,939–59,361) || 2,282 69,894 (59,869–79,918)
DC 1,634 28,964 (23,642–34,287) || 2,225 54,315 (46,472–62,159)
FL 9,706 783,746 (678,164–889,328) || 12,295 1,271,956 (1,136,050–1,407,862)
GA 2,602 418,464 (355,505–481,424) || 3,432 582,415 (515,839–648,991)
HI 3,651 85,769 (75,690–95,848) || 4,089 106,007 (95,445–116,568)
ID 2,196 74,448 (63,361–85,534) || 2,680 97,677 (84,297–111,056)
IL 2,471 603,629 (518,007–689,251) || 3,067 726,143 (642,560–809,726)
IN 5,920 295,678 (266,909–324,447) || 7,867 453,195 (419,279–487,111)
IA 3,638 130,175 (115,387–144,963) || 4,033 185,012 (165,514–204,510)
KS 10,180 124,963 (115,815–134,110) || 11,575 175,641 (165,201–186,080)
KY 3,620 246,244 (211,960–280,528) || 4,982 287,668 (254,135–321,201)
LA 2,021 226,886 (189,044–264,728) || 2,773 325,366 (287,377–363,356)
ME 4,142 69,219 (60,037–78,401) || 5,527 105,563 (95,785–115,342)
MD 5,539 296,206 (260,233–332,178) || 7,971 410,287 (374,850–445,723)
MA 3,084 378,090 (324,617–431,564) || 3,775 540,987 (470,677–611,297)
MI 4,811 465,696 (417,279–514,112) || 6,034 779,762 (721,723–837,801)
MN 8,088 195,693 (177,225–214,162) || 8,938 262,184 (241,926–282,441)
MS 2,024 114,301 (89,827–138,774) || 3,034 176,429 (153,563–199,295)
MO 3,232 261,630 (222,881–300,380) || 4,339 404,378 (363,383–445,374)
MT 2,728 54,505 (46,651–62,360) || 3,171 61,287 (53,824–68,749)
NE 6,951 75,354 (66,734–83,973) || 8,354 98,759 (89,727–107,791)
NV 1,662 126,088 (99,884–152,291) || 2,090 197,328 (166,370–228,286)
NH 2,437 81,701 (68,671–94,730) || 3,287 115,380 (102,028–128,732)
NJ 4,941 347,449 (296,259–398,640) || 6,736 501,574 (449,096–554,051)
NM 2,877 98,789 (84,638–112,941) || 3,637 143,659 (127,524–159,794)
NY 5,570 847,835 (753,449–942,222) || 6,646 1,306,521 (1,203,175–1,409,868)
NC 2,197 450,643 (378,739–522,548) || 2,705 636,912 (557,920–715,903)
ND 3,298 32,485 (27,868–37,102) || 3,674 43,462 (37,945–48,979)
OH 5,084 491,938 (432,599–551,277) || 7,158 743,000 (671,914–814,086)
OK 2,690 184,346 (160,274–208,417) || 3,914 259,672 (234,148–285,195)
OR 2,343 231,250 (203,537–258,962) || 3,002 317,660 (287,371–347,949)
PA 3,031 650,485 (564,288–736,682) || 3,492 941,699 (839,999–1,043,399)
RI 2,396 60,181 (50,951–69,411) || 3,204 85,471 (75,598–95,344)
SC 4,633 216,736 (189,435–244,036) || 6,634 342,327 (313,259–371,394)
SD 3,052 37,595 (29,785–45,405) || 3,939 39,412 (32,967–45,858)
TN 2,531 391,330 (330,560–452,100) || 3,293 470,863 (415,844–525,882)
TX 5,016 1,052,052 (880,061–1,224,043) || 7,190 1,433,787 (1,238,470–1,629,104)
UT 4,875 127,076 (114,429–139,724) || 5,320 182,026 (166,061–197,991)
VT 2,901 35,851 (30,775–40,927) || 3,575 52,843 (47,390–58,297)
VA 4,177 328,921 (285,235–372,608) || 5,416 598,123 (542,806–653,440)
WA 6,027 363,481 (330,269–396,694) || 7,167 587,478 (544,089–630,867)
WV 2,342 116,907 (101,827–131,987) || 3,107 155,838 (141,092–170,584)
WI 2,625 226,869 (191,285–262,453) || 3,170 366,621 (321,778–411,465)
WY 2,051 25,730 (21,532–29,928) || 2,397 35,143 (30,582–39,703)
GU 723 6,003 (4,348–7,657) || 782 8,301 (6,162–10,440)
PR 1,709 204,788 (172,545–237,031) || 2,768 305,481 (274,592–336,370)

Aged 18+ years
** U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.
¶ CI denotes confidence interval.
§ Sample size is the number of respondents answered lifetime asthma question
If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.
When the Sample Size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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