2016 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table L2.2
Adult Self-Reported Lifetime Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory: BRFSS 2016
State Male
Size §
95% CI* (number)
Size §
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 206,596 13,868,064 (13,522,828–14,213,301) || 269,563 20,141,603 (19,743,292–20,539,914)
AL 2,799 236,457 (202,466–270,448) || 4,216 327,451 (295,005–359,896)
AK 1,371 31,466 (22,662–40,269) || 1,535 47,529 (38,983–56,075)
AZ 4,552 347,386 (301,694–393,077) || 6,351 423,816 (380,725–466,906)
AR 1,993 125,703 (97,846–153,560) || 3,286 201,857 (168,560–235,154)
CA 5,439 1,598,824 (1,439,346–1,758,302) || 5,930 2,296,210 (2,113,065–2,479,354)
CO 6,793 245,326 (223,082–267,570) || 8,114 344,503 (317,921–371,085)
CT 4,708 184,106 (163,408–204,804) || 6,292 256,965 (234,460–279,470)
DE 1,802 38,654 (31,322–45,987) || 2,244 57,198 (48,739–65,656)
DC 1,588 31,744 (25,373–38,114) || 2,245 52,772 (45,821–59,724)
FL 15,560 783,387 (699,421–867,353) || 21,283 1,040,468 (961,754–1,119,182)
GA 2,194 398,134 (328,836–467,432) || 3,166 648,716 (569,074–728,357)
HI 3,764 80,572 (71,276–89,867) || 4,304 114,707 (103,627–125,787)
ID 2,206 62,757 (51,363–74,150) || 3,045 94,697 (81,465–107,929)
IL 2,087 642,018 (547,540–736,496) || 2,670 762,265 (663,884–860,646)
IN 4,551 287,220 (252,323–322,117) || 6,497 445,340 (404,981–485,699)
IA 3,198 121,133 (104,161–138,105) || 4,045 171,125 (151,024–191,227)
KS 5,358 117,299 (105,407–129,191) || 6,787 170,570 (156,917–184,223)
KY 4,169 186,372 (165,365–207,380) || 6,058 335,357 (304,871–365,844)
LA 1,961 193,321 (154,069–232,574) || 3,273 315,492 (267,047–363,938)
ME 4,260 72,012 (62,750–81,274) || 5,744 107,284 (97,314–117,254)
MD 7,523 269,104 (242,638–295,570) || 10,890 387,331 (359,153–415,510)
MA 3,932 308,140 (271,188–345,092) || 4,452 524,759 (473,665–575,852)
MI 5,343 547,266 (497,849–596,683) || 6,641 710,517 (658,035–763,000)
MN 7,942 189,070 (172,249–205,890) || 8,828 284,305 (264,215–304,396)
MS 1,961 116,964 (94,677–139,251) || 3,150 170,209 (149,768–190,650)
MO 3,041 293,526 (247,069–339,983) || 4,053 386,985 (336,631–437,339)
MT 2,714 45,665 (38,735–52,595) || 3,238 58,973 (51,417–66,529)
NE 6,622 74,224 (64,628–83,820) || 8,522 104,547 (94,309–114,785)
NV 1,953 89,359 (69,303–109,416) || 2,376 174,533 (147,032–202,033)
NH 2,835 64,880 (55,413–74,348) || 3,556 111,257 (97,873–124,641)
NJ 3,279 301,001 (242,449–359,554) || 4,361 537,631 (471,194–604,068)
NM 2,590 107,845 (90,324–125,366) || 3,418 150,540 (132,876–168,204)
NY 15,022 883,509 (804,888–962,129) || 19,089 1,270,153 (1,181,746–1,358,559)
NC 2,973 375,460 (321,840–429,080) || 3,548 604,688 (541,554–667,821)
ND 2,630 34,609 (29,465–39,753) || 3,104 41,006 (35,413–46,599)
OH 5,124 545,585 (477,520–613,650) || 7,225 717,324 (647,870–786,778)
OK 2,769 177,397 (150,069–204,726) || 4,086 239,865 (215,250–264,480)
OR 2,410 227,649 (197,754–257,543) || 3,003 323,480 (292,956–354,004)
PA 3,136 567,918 (493,561–642,275) || 3,655 931,964 (836,573–1,027,355)
RI 2,234 50,184 (42,377–57,990) || 3,207 83,709 (73,880–93,539)
SC 4,590 215,932 (190,258–241,606) || 6,618 302,179 (275,279–329,079)
SD 2,491 28,271 (22,804–33,738) || 3,261 32,244 (26,106–38,382)
TN 2,602 337,442 (284,523–390,360) || 3,545 495,320 (437,046–553,593)
TX 4,781 1,031,756 (879,048–1,184,464) || 6,902 1,563,088 (1,366,328–1,759,847)
UT 5,075 132,015 (118,232–145,798) || 5,857 161,175 (146,619–175,732)
VT 2,895 30,467 (26,094–34,840) || 3,623 48,312 (43,452–53,171)
VA 3,885 342,225 (299,409–385,042) || 5,079 532,488 (482,335–582,640)
WA 6,414 351,022 (320,185–381,860) || 7,796 492,942 (458,169–527,714)
WV 3,148 102,286 (90,033–114,540) || 3,977 134,297 (122,574–146,020)
WI 2,382 219,362 (183,793–254,930) || 2,878 312,893 (269,205–356,581)
WY 1,947 24,041 (19,037–29,045) || 2,540 38,570 (32,204–44,936)
GU 699 4,395 (2,796–5,994) || 876 6,095 (4,290–7,899)
PR 2,159 189,875 (156,837–222,913) || 3,632 300,345 (272,549–328,142)
VI 482 3,577 (1,694–5,460) || 779 4,660 (3,073–6,247)

*Aged 18+ years
** U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.
CI denotes confidence interval.
§ Sample size is the number of respondents reported lifetime asthma
If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.
When the Sample Size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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