2016 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult* Self-Reported Current Asthma Weighted Number
by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2016
State Male
Sample Size§
95% CI¶
(Weighted Number)
Sample Size§
95% CI¶
(Weighted Number)
U.S. Total** 205,882 7,613,255 (7,365,794–7,860,717) || 268,546 14,570,953 (14,233,791–14,908,115)
AL 2,789 122,032 (96,827–147,238) || 4,191 243,009 (214,056–271,962)
AK 1,363 16,643 (9,703–23,584) || 1,532 31,755 (25,123–38,387)
AZ 4,533 182,784 (151,686–213,882) || 6,317 309,010 (271,801–346,220)
AR 1,988 57,287 (41,288–73,286) || 3,269 136,575 (111,263–161,888)
CA 5,431 807,474 (695,639–919,310) || 5,908 1,558,534 (1,405,323–1,711,744)
CO 6,757 134,616 (118,451–150,781) || 8,067 239,982 (218,173–261,790)
CT 4,694 102,074 (87,067–117,082) || 6,265 193,527 (173,503–213,551)
DE 1,797 21,146 (16,064–26,229) || 2,234 42,470 (35,538–49,403)
DC 1,584 16,568 (12,336–20,801) || 2,237 38,170 (32,197–44,143)
FL 15,516 414,566 (355,219–473,913) || 21,223 695,202 (633,930–756,475)
GA 2,188 192,744 (148,674–236,814) || 3,151 473,541 (403,182–543,899)
HI 3,755 42,846 (35,824–49,868) || 4,289 77,446 (68,100–86,793)
ID 2,202 42,642 (33,352–51,931) || 3,035 72,467 (60,863–84,071)
IL 2,084 313,473 (252,170–374,775) || 2,665 566,231 (478,926–653,537)
IN 4,540 164,635 (139,936–189,334) || 6,483 349,714 (314,246–385,182)
IA 3,188 66,341 (53,890–78,792) || 4,036 121,394 (104,939–137,849)
KS 5,337 65,830 (57,450–74,211) || 6,758 127,248 (115,315–139,181)
KY 4,151 114,279 (97,280–131,278) || 6,035 280,407 (252,029–308,784)
LA 1,955 91,786 (62,609–120,964) || 3,260 204,865 (168,718–241,013)
ME 4,252 49,106 (41,454–56,758) || 5,735 81,886 (73,002–90,770)
MD 7,476 159,980 (139,089–180,872) || 10,811 279,685 (255,982–303,389)
MA 3,921 164,501 (138,025–190,977) || 4,434 396,238 (351,463–441,013)
MI 5,314 310,308 (271,951–348,665) || 6,608 530,803 (485,896–575,710)
MN 7,918 110,546 (97,507–123,585) || 8,797 210,894 (193,548–228,239)
MS 1,958 57,626 (41,662–73,589) || 3,146 123,419 (105,945–140,893)
MO 3,028 160,203 (129,401–191,004) || 4,041 302,948 (256,722–349,173)
MT 2,695 26,605 (21,413–31,798) || 3,228 42,798 (36,438–49,159)
NE 6,609 43,217 (36,139–50,296) || 8,507 75,715 (66,771–84,659)
NV 1,950 55,716 (38,855–72,577) || 2,365 124,271 (100,754–147,787)
NH 2,822 35,776 (29,376–42,176) || 3,534 85,790 (73,743–97,837)
NJ 3,275 206,025 (156,658–255,393) || 4,339 367,481 (311,318–423,644)
NM 2,581 69,687 (55,090–84,283) || 3,407 115,991 (100,085–131,897)
NY 14,985 541,830 (480,750–602,909) || 19,038 932,088 (858,277–1,005,899)
NC 2,965 198,439 (159,048–237,830) || 3,534 432,426 (378,505–486,346)
ND 2,622 22,158 (18,176–26,139) || 3,098 30,870 (26,008–35,733)
OH 5,108 346,973 (290,684–403,262) || 7,207 526,311 (470,383–582,239)
OK 2,757 110,389 (88,198–132,581) || 4,074 183,521 (161,851–205,190)
OR 2,393 119,911 (99,490–140,332) || 2,980 215,017 (189,384–240,649)
PA 3,126 337,954 (279,645–396,263) || 3,642 732,304 (645,813–818,795)
RI 2,228 28,999 (23,552–34,446) || 3,193 61,376 (52,913–69,839)
SC 4,577 117,951 (99,307–136,595) || 6,588 222,567 (199,388–245,746)
SD 2,484 16,606 (12,329–20,884) || 3,251 23,647 (18,154–29,140)
TN 2,588 179,176 (140,010–218,343) || 3,519 380,247 (328,784–431,710)
TX 4,769 513,878 (410,316–617,441) || 6,889 1,070,386 (907,489–1,233,282)
UT 5,057 67,129 (57,309–76,949) || 5,832 107,495 (95,848–119,142)
VT 2,882 17,579 (14,517–20,640) || 3,606 33,632 (29,616–37,648)
VA 3,865 169,224 (138,134–200,314) || 5,063 391,195 (348,490–433,900)
WA 6,364 184,226 (162,196–206,256) || 7,745 354,532 (324,970–384,094)
WV 3,139 61,396 (52,403–70,389) || 3,969 110,420 (99,556–121,284)
WI 2,378 145,352 (116,772–173,932) || 2,876 235,756 (197,123–274,389)
WY 1,944 15,020 (11,000–19,040) || 2,535 27,697 (22,212–33,183)
GU 698 1,690 (829–2,551) || 875 3,795 (2,212–5,378)
PR 2,159 116,373 (88,742–144,005) || 3,632 182,545 (160,357–204,732)
VI 481 1,527 (269–2,785) || 777 3,484 (2,029–4,940)

* Aged 18+ years
** U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.
CI denotes confidence interval.
§ Sample size is the number of respondents reported current asthma
If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.
When the Sample Size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

Asthma and Community Health Branch, National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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