2013 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult Self-Reported Current Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2013
State Male
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 196,859 7,376,443 (7,129,983 – 7,622,903) || 283,601 14,258,149 (13,941,867 – 14,574,432)
AL 2,189 107,733 (84,102 – 131,364) || 4,262 207,665 (181,207 – 234,124)
AK 2,115 17,678 (13,089 – 22,267) || 2,432 33,336 (27,099 – 39,573)
AZ 1,741 161,949 (114,926 – 208,971) || 2,475 279,665 (230,922 – 328,409)
AR 1,992 72,089 (54,851 – 89,326) || 3,229 113,123 (96,298 – 129,949)
CA 5,067 909,599 (782,606 – 1,036,592) || 6,406 1,638,592 (1,479,771 – 1,797,413)
CO 5,894 123,921 (107,574 – 140,268) || 7,647 225,035 (203,130 – 246,940)
CT 3,168 94,576 (77,244 – 111,908) || 4,482 179,607 (157,933 – 201,282)
DE 2,071 26,295 (20,431 – 32,158) || 3,103 49,896 (43,032 – 56,760)
DC 1,923 23,552 (17,237 – 29,866) || 2,976 39,728 (32,884 – 46,571)
FL 13,243 424,968 (360,195 – 489,741) || 20,693 857,768 (774,559 – 940,977)
GA 3,055 190,075 (151,871 – 228,279) || 5,026 437,991 (389,981 – 486,001)
HI 3,591 39,988 (32,660 – 47,317) || 4,211 62,781 (54,674 – 70,887)
ID 2,368 34,797 (26,518 – 43,075) || 3,229 65,812 (56,024 – 75,601)
IL 2,333 235,733 (182,049 – 289,417) || 3,260 507,611 (431,216 – 584,006)
IN 4,252 175,475 (148,291 – 202,659) || 6,003 333,952 (302,021 – 365,883)
IA 3,254 63,403 (51,175 – 75,630) || 4,855 118,844 (103,865 – 133,822)
KS 9,568 72,125 (64,890 – 79,360) || 13,565 120,013 (112,436 – 127,590)
KY 3,853 108,989 (91,136 – 126,841) || 7,086 208,660 (185,946 – 231,373)
LA 1,763 104,828 (74,413 – 135,242) || 3,463 166,453 (136,414 – 196,492)
ME 3,316 45,914 (38,812 – 53,016) || 4,729 80,154 (72,049 – 88,258)
MD 4,974 146,145 (120,019 – 172,271) || 7,964 286,228 (255,776 – 316,681)
MA 5,955 221,345 (191,315 – 251,374) || 9,013 377,375 (340,480 – 414,270)
MI 5,372 313,912 (272,710 – 355,114) || 7,247 552,141 (505,036 – 599,245)
MN 6,097 111,662 (89,909 – 133,416) || 8,164 204,411 (178,938 – 229,885)
MS 2,600 59,766 (46,578 – 72,954) || 4,820 123,805 (107,838 – 139,772)
MO 2,723 180,724 (143,639 – 217,809) || 4,332 316,334 (275,277 – 357,391)
MT 4,288 25,258 (21,411 – 29,105) || 5,342 42,397 (37,387 – 47,407)
NE 6,930 38,078 (32,197 – 43,958) || 10,094 64,279 (57,559 – 70,999)
NV 2,176 49,762 (34,097 – 65,426) || 2,880 111,133 (89,985 – 132,280)
NH 2,689 43,374 (34,696 – 52,052) || 3,735 71,189 (62,426 – 79,951)
NJ 5,658 208,626 (177,690 – 239,562) || 7,635 409,051 (365,891 – 452,211)
NM 3,917 54,442 (45,205 – 63,678) || 5,326 90,116 (80,265 – 99,967)
NY 3,693 498,883 (412,875 – 584,891) || 5,218 987,277 (883,190 – 1,091,363)
NC 3,440 202,897 (164,548 – 241,245) || 5,374 432,234 (383,324 – 481,143)
ND 3,483 19,481 (15,911 – 23,051) || 4,259 26,692 (22,636 – 30,748)
OH 4,782 290,423 (248,289 – 332,556) || 7,099 568,086 (507,588 – 628,584)
OK 3,248 99,248 (82,233 – 116,263) || 4,934 160,615 (144,072 – 177,158)
OR 2,528 117,471 (94,838 – 140,105) || 3,362 227,052 (199,868 – 254,237)
PA 4,779 302,323 (260,557 – 344,088) || 6,571 653,051 (588,644 – 717,459)
RI 2,537 34,390 (27,993 – 40,787) || 3,945 64,558 (57,242 – 71,874)
SC 4,313 102,981 (84,995 – 120,968) || 6,314 206,076 (184,425 – 227,727)
SD 2,996 22,599 (17,540 – 27,658) || 3,842 27,500 (22,249 – 32,750)
TN 2,107 87,854 (65,599 – 110,109) || 3,666 266,531 (228,957 – 304,104)
TX 4,368 434,761 (355,558 – 513,964) || 6,454 979,698 (864,027 – 1,095,369)
UT 5,658 71,845 (63,186 – 80,505) || 7,027 110,080 (99,872 – 120,287)
VT 2,670 19,483 (16,025 – 22,941) || 3,678 36,913 (32,499 – 41,328)
VA 3,483 175,033 (143,920 – 206,146) || 4,922 382,326 (338,286 – 426,367)
WA 4,755 188,953 (162,357 – 215,549) || 6,329 344,321 (312,145 – 376,496)
WV 2,438 39,157 (31,843 – 46,471) || 3,399 92,267 (81,807 – 102,727)
WI 2,869 165,398 (131,854 – 198,943) || 3,697 293,679 (247,589 – 339,770)
WY 2,577 16,482 (13,306 – 19,658) || 3,827 24,051 (20,732 – 27,370)
GU 814 2,447 (1,448 – 3,445) || 1,071 3,379 (2,309 – 4,449)
PR 2,173 92,596 (72,585 – 112,607) || 3,830 197,321 (174,982 – 219,659)



*CI denotes confidence interval.

**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

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