2001 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

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Table L2.2
Adult Self-Reported Lifetime Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
State Sample
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 83,543 9,391,523 (9,040,009 – 9,743,037) 121,254 13,818,735 (13,447,365 – 14,190,104)
AL 1,049 123,257 (94,736 – 151,778) 1,743 200,438 (171,012 – 229,864)
AK 1,357 20,433 (15,394 – 25,472) 1,514 30,596 (24,384 – 36,808)
AZ 1,341 195,825 (152,623 – 239,027) 1,920 279,104 (225,041 – 333,167)
AR 1,122 86,119 (65,803 – 106,434) 1,805 126,568 (107,588 – 145,548)
CA 1,687 1,179,376 (984,664 – 1,374,088) 2,483 1,865,479 (1,644,891 – 2,086,066)
CO 864 122,310 (90,172 – 154,448) 1,166 272,300 (230,690 – 313,910)
CT 3,199 138,717 (120,569 – 156,866) 4,546 183,114 (166,442 – 199,786)
DE 1,361 28,158 (21,852 – 34,463) 2,149 43,292 (36,367 – 50,217)
DC 783 19,153 (13,811 – 24,496) 1,103 35,177 (29,001 – 41,352)
FL 1,909 507,848 (424,226 – 591,471) 2,766 734,533 (644,942 – 824,124)
GA 1,722 303,854 (246,432 – 361,275) 2,808 370,245 (318,204 – 422,287)
HI 1,933 51,130 (41,788 – 60,472) 2,559 60,824 (51,467 – 70,180)
ID 2,070 48,315 (40,963 – 55,667) 2,760 59,971 (52,819 – 67,123)
IL 1,642 395,160 (322,531 – 467,789) 2,365 654,190 (575,034 – 733,345)
IN 1,614 196,574 (162,403 – 230,745) 2,377 318,502 (281,233 – 355,771)
IA 1,481 85,847 (68,475 – 103,219) 2,148 126,407 (107,988 – 144,825)
KS 1,853 95,768 (80,840 – 110,696) 2,740 136,480 (118,843 – 154,117)
KY 2,920 125,796 (106,170 – 145,422) 4,598 207,260 (183,485 – 231,036)
LA 1,886 126,023 (104,381 – 147,665) 3,113 167,589 (147,300 – 187,878)
ME 1,027 49,359 (38,659 – 60,058) 1,386 72,176 (61,358 – 82,995)
MD 1,819 176,792 (132,464 – 221,120) 2,645 268,967 (233,083 – 304,852)
MA 3,554 254,932 (224,027 – 285,837) 5,060 384,243 (350,505 – 417,980)
MI 1,515 373,986 (299,487 – 448,485) 2,308 540,481 (474,556 – 606,407)
MN 1,696 172,672 (142,327 – 203,018) 2,262 195,831 (170,157 – 221,505)
MS 1,146 84,720 (65,291 – 104,150) 1,894 104,065 (87,320 – 120,810)
MO 1,652 226,284 (181,288 – 271,281) 2,523 276,302 (237,763 – 314,840)
MT 1,422 34,395 (27,316 – 41,474) 1,912 44,152 (36,817 – 51,487)
NE 1,422 48,093 (36,058 – 60,129) 2,274 58,215 (48,960 – 67,471)
NV 1,308 95,571 (76,406 – 114,736) 1,263 108,891 (86,832 – 130,950)
NH 1,725 52,658 (43,818 – 61,498) 2,338 64,651 (56,662 – 72,640)
NJ 2,441 213,356 (174,055 – 252,658) 3,568 397,368 (350,446 – 444,291)
NM 1,499 55,524 (44,300 – 66,748) 2,119 85,574 (73,638 – 97,511)
NY 1,609 640,166 (513,770 – 766,563) 2,285 962,943 (834,641 – 1,091,245)
NC 2,380 253,501 (196,250 – 310,753) 3,821 371,104 (315,928 – 426,281)
ND 1,065 17,982 (13,561 – 22,403) 1,444 24,801 (20,759 – 28,843)
OH 1,350 335,955 (266,898 – 405,012) 2,081 496,232 (427,963 – 564,500)
OK 1,774 105,198 (85,215 – 125,182) 2,771 154,709 (134,046 – 175,372)
OR 1,051 131,442 (106,372 – 156,513) 1,478 203,567 (175,851 – 231,283)
PA 1,479 425,628 (342,907 – 508,349) 2,179 581,839 (493,035 – 670,643)
RI 1,542 37,704 (30,558 – 44,851) 2,567 60,343 (53,160 – 67,525)
SC 1,264 139,385 (111,319 – 167,451) 1,932 183,530 (155,849 – 211,212)
SD 2,164 19,901 (16,268 – 23,534) 2,945 22,223 (19,077 – 25,369)
TN 954 148,878 (109,932 – 187,824) 1,967 257,130 (221,005 – 293,254)
TX 2,436 609,440 (513,668 – 705,213) 3,475 856,611 (765,425 – 947,797)
UT 1,651 75,099 (60,815 – 89,382) 1,998 82,704 (68,789 – 96,619)
VT 1,788 22,052 (18,456 – 25,649) 2,504 33,437 (29,459 – 37,415)
VA 1,241 249,698 (200,956 – 298,440) 1,696 366,462 (306,136 – 426,788)
WA 1,752 212,592 (178,284 – 246,900) 2,441 317,421 (280,914 – 353,928)
WV 1,227 71,234 (57,782 – 84,686) 1,864 102,266 (89,195 – 115,337)
WI 1,478 186,670 (149,392 – 223,948) 1,872 248,178 (209,014 – 287,343)
WY 1,319 20,991 (17,240 – 24,742) 1,719 20,249 (17,217 – 23,280)
GU 382 2,941 (1,651 – 4,231) 489 4,163 (2,913 – 5,412)
PR 1,518 211,856 (171,799 – 251,913) 2,716 332,025 (294,028 – 370,022)
VI 876 2,906 (2,110 – 3,702) 1,387 3,829 (2,879 – 4,778)

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* CI denotes confidence interval.

** U.S. Total includes the 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.

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