Cost Barriers Technical Notes

Cost Barriers

Data Source: Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS), 2014 and Child Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS), 2012–2014

Data tables:
Percentage of adults with current asthma who reported a cost barrier to asthma care in the past 12 months by state/territory
Percentage of children with current asthma who reported a cost barrier to asthma care in the past 12 months by state/territory

A cost barrier to asthma care is defined as the percentage of adults and children with current asthma who needed to see a primary care doctor, to see a specialist, or to buy medication for their asthma but could not because of cost in the past 12 months.

The table below presents ACBS items and attributes for measurement in calculating estimates.

ACBS items and attributes for measurement in calculating estimates
NACP Grantee Profile table Survey Question Variable name Numerator Denominator
Percentage of adults reporting inability to see primary care doctor for your asthma due to cost in past 12 months
Percentage of children reporting inability to see primary care doctor for your asthma due to cost in past 12 months
9.1 Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see your primary care doctor for your asthma but could not because of the cost? ASMDCOST 1 1, 2
Percentage of adults reporting being referred to a specialist but could not go because of the cost in past 12 months
Percentage of children reporting being referred to a specialist but could not go because of the cost in past 12 months
9.2 Was there a time in the past 12 months when you were referred to a specialist for asthma care but could not go because of the cost? ASSPCOST 1 1, 2
Percentage of adults reporting a need to buy medication for your asthma but could not because of the cost in past 12 months
Percentage of children reporting being referred to a specialist but could not go because of the cost in past 12 months
9.3 Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to buy medication for your asthma but could not because of the cost? ASRXCOST 1 1, 2