Child Missed Days and Activity Limitation

Percentage of children with current asthma who reported missing days of school or daycare in the past 12 months by state/territory

Child Missed Days of School
NACP grantee Percentage 95% CI
Total 43.3 (39.0 – 47.6)
California ND ND
Connecticut 49.9 (37.7 – 62.1)
Georgia ND ND
Florida ND ND
Hawaii 37.9 (24.2 – 51.6)
Illinois ND ND
Indiani ND ND
Maine 42.8 (28.3 – 57.3)
Massachusetts 44.8 (19.1 – 70.5)
Michigan 41.6 (34.0 – 49.2)
Minnesota ND ND
Mississippi 53.8 (43.0 – 64.6)
Missouri 34.5 (22.7 – 46.3)
Montana 35.4 (25.6 – 45.2)
New Hampshire 43.3 (29.4 – 57.2)
New Mexico 51.5 (39.2 – 63.8)
New York 51.6 (36.7 – 66.5)
Ohio 41.0 (29.0 – 53.0)
Oregon 33.5 (17.2 – 49.8)
Pennsylvania 40.7 (31.5 – 49.9)
Puerto Rico ND ND
Rhode Island 50.1 (28.7 – 71.5)
Utah 41.6 (34.0 – 49.2)
Vermont ND ND
Wisconsin 33.2 (20.7 – 45.7)

Data Source: BRFSS Asthma Call-back Survey, United States, 2012-2014

Confidence interval; ND, No data.