Cost Barriers

Cost Barriers

Percentage of children with current asthma who reported a cost barrier to asthma care in the past 12 months by state/territory

Child Cost Barriers
NACP grantee Percentage 95% CI
Total 7.2 (5.3 – 9.7)
California ND ND
Connecticut 2.6* (0.2 – 5.0)
Florida ND ND
Georgia ND ND
Hawaii ** **
Maine ** **
Massachusetts ** **
Michigan 6.7* (2.2 – 11.2)
Minnesota ND ND
Mississippi 9.0* (3.7 – 14.3)
Missouri 15.5* (4.5 – 26.5)
Montana ** **
New Hampshire ** **
New Mexico 9.1 (3.8 – 14.4)
New York ** **
Ohio 4.5* (1.0 – 8.0)
Oregon ** **
Pennsylvania 8.7* (2.2 – 15.2)
Puerto Rico ND ND
Rhode Island ** **
Utah 9.4 (5.5 – 13.3)
Vermont ND ND
Wisconsin 9.3* (0.7 – 17.9)

Data Source: BRFSS Asthma Call-back Survey, United States, 2012-2014

CI, Confidence interval; ND, No data.

*Relative standard error of the estimate is 30%-50%; the estimate is unreliable.

**Relative standard error of the estimate exceeds 50%; the estimate is suppressed.