National Healthy Brain Initiative: Road Map for Indian Country

What to know

The Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map for Indian Country is the first public health guide focused on dementia for American Indian and Alaska Native peoples. State, tribal, and local public health agencies and their partners are encouraged to use this road map to support discussion about dementia and caregiving in tribal communities. It encourages a holistic response, leveraging local strengths and resources.

Action Framework for NHBI

The challenge

Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD) is an increasing public health issue within American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities.

  • Worsening memory loss, which can be one of the first signs of ADRD, is more common among AI/AN adults than other U.S. adults.
    • One in six AI/AN adults ages 45 and older report worsening memory loss, compared to one in ten adults nationwide.1
  • The number of AI/AN adults with memory loss is projected to increase dramatically in the coming decades.
  • Older adults with ADRD depend on caregivers and community resources as they become less able to care for themselves.

Road Map for Indian Country

Cover Page for the HBI Road Map for Indian Country showing three American Indian and Alaska Native individuals
This Road Map for Indian Country is tailored for leaders of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities as they develop a broad response to Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

The Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map for Indian Country is the first public health guide focused on dementia in AI/AN communities. It aims to:

  • Enhance wellness for older adults affected by dementia.
  • Support family caregivers.
  • Promote brain health across generations.

The HBI Road Map for Indian Country is intended to:

  • Support discussion about dementia and caregiving within tribal communities.
  • Encourage a public health approach as part of a larger holistic response.

State, tribal, and local public health agencies and their partners are encouraged to use this Road Map to support discussion about dementia and caregiving in tribal communities.

Executive Summary

Additional information