ACIP Meeting Information

At a glance

  • The ACIP holds three regular meetings each year, in addition to emergency sessions, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • The purpose is to review scientific data and vote on vaccine recommendations.
  • Meetings are open to the public and available online via live webcast.
  • The ACIP holds three regular meetings each year, in addition to emergency sessions, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • The purpose is to review scientific data and vote on vaccine recommendations.
  • Meetings are open to the public and available online via live webcast.

Other Information

Meeting Material Archives‎

For meeting material archives, visit CDC Stacks.

Hotels Located Near ACIP Meeting

Federal Register

ACIP Meeting Registration

Registration is not required to watch ACIP Meeting webcasts.

Rules of Conduct for ACIP Meetings

An interested person who wishes to make an oral public comment during an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting should submit a request with ACIP before the meeting according to the instructions in the Federal Register Notice. Those who have not submitted a request before the meeting will not have an opportunity to speak.

Public Comment

Public engagement and input are vital to ACIP’s work. Members of the public are invited to submit comments to ACIP in two ways: (1) written comments submitted via, and/or (2) oral public comment at ACIP meetings.

How to Submit a Written Public Comment

Any member of the public can submit a written public comment to ACIP. The docket, identified by Docket No. CDC–2024–0043, will be opened to receive written comments on June 3, 2024. Written comments must be received by June 17, 2024, using the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the instructions for submitting comments. All submissions received must include the agency name and Docket Number.

All relevant comments received will be posted without change to, including any personal information provided. For access to the docket or to read background documents or comments received, go to

How to Request to Make an Oral Public Comment

The June 26-28, 2024 ACIP meeting will be a virtual meeting and will include time for oral public comment for members of the public. All individuals interested in making an oral public comment are strongly encouraged to submit a request starting June 3, 2024 to no later than 11:59 p.m., EST, June 17, 2024 as there will be no opportunity to register for oral public comment later than June 17th.

If the number of persons requesting to speak is greater than can be reasonably accommodated during the scheduled time, CDC will conduct a lottery to determine the speakers for the scheduled public comment session. CDC staff will notify individuals regarding their request to speak by email by June 24, 2024. To accommodate the significant interest in participation in the oral public comment session of ACIP meetings, each speaker will be limited to 3 minutes, and each speaker may only speak once per meeting.

Requests to Make an Oral Public Comment is closed

Oral Public Comment June 26-28, 2024

Upcoming Meetings


June 26-28

October 23-24


February 26-27

June 25-26

October 22-23


February 25-26

June 24-25

October 21-22


February 24-25

June 23-24

October 20-21