CDC Director: Speaker Request

At a glance

Request the CDC Director for your event.

Microphone in front of audience

Requesting the CDC Director:

  1. Simply complete all of the fields in the CDC Director speaker request form below and press the submit button. A CDC representative will review your request and contact you.
  2. We appreciate you making every effort to submit this form at least 60 days before your event (and a maximum of 6 months prior to your event). Requests of extremely short notice (within 30 days of the event) may not be processed since it will not allow for adequate staffing coordination.
  3. Please review the CDC Speakers Bureau Privacy Policy to understand how we use the information gathered to complete speaker requests.
  4. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Speakers Bureau.

All fields are required and must be filled out to submit a request.

Request Form

Please enter your email address

Event Overview
Contact Person
Event Details
Presentation Details

Select all key participants

Additional Details
If prerecorded remarks are acceptable or requested
* Required field

Experiencing Challenges Submitting Your Speakers Request?‎

Please let us know by emailing the mailbox. We apologize for any inconvenience.