Pledge to the American People

Key points

The agency's pledge to the American people involves five commitments, starting with being a diligent steward of the funds entrusted to it.

1. Be a diligent steward of the funds entrusted to our agency:

CDC accomplishes agency-wide fiscal accountability and oversight of appropriations, acquisitions, assistance, and financial management of government funds. This aids in CDC's public health mission by ensuring appropriate fiscal stewardship of taxpayer dollars.

2. Provide an environment for intellectual and personal growth and integrity:

CDC expects that employees know and follow the fourteen principles of ethical conduct for executive branch personnel. These principles help foster growth for both individual employee and agency wide progress to further public health science, and maintain the public's trust.

3. Base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data that is derived openly and objectively:

CDC ensures its science and research activities, as well as employees, comply with various federal laws, regulations, and policies in order to exercise the highest level of scientific integrity. To "enhance the quality, integrity of and access to CDC science," is one of 4 pillars the Office of the Associate Director of Science at CDC considers a priority and responsibility.

4. Place the benefits to society above the benefits to our institution:

CDC employees are prohibited from participating in any matter that would pose a conflict of interest or appearance of bias. This helps ensure CDC achieves the highest quality of scientific research, and works to protect the nation's health.

5. Treat all persons with dignity, honesty, and respect:

The Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health is intended principally for public and other institutions in the United States that have an explicit public health mission. It contains values and beliefs underlying the code, principles of the ethical practice of public health, and supplemental materials.