ACD Meetings

At a glance

The Advisory Committee to the Director advises and recommends ways to advance CDC's priorities, improve results, and address health disparities. Committee members are knowledgeable in areas pertinent to the CDC mission, such as public health, global health, health disparities, biomedical research, and public health preparedness.


The re-established ACD holds meetings each year at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia to recommend ways to prioritize CDC’s activities, improve results, and address health disparities. It also provides guidance to help CDC work more effectively with its various private and public sector constituents to make health protection a practical reality. Meetings are open to the public and available online via live webcast.

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ACD Meeting Registration

Registration is not required to watch ACD Meeting webcasts.

Rules of Conduct for ACD Meetings

  • An interested person who wishes to provide a written public comment during an ACD meeting should submit a request with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) before the meeting according to the instructions in the Federal Register Notice.
  • In-person attendees may be subject to security screening, such as presenting identification, passing through metal detectors, and inspection of briefcases, packages, and so on.
  • Attendees at the meeting are asked to maintain order and not display behavior that is disruptive to the meeting.
  • The ACD Chair or Designated Federal Officer will note on the record any disruptive behavior and will ask the person to cease the behavior or else leave the meeting room.
  • We ask that attendees not approach the ACD table area before, during, or after the meeting without permission from a Designated Federal Officer.



  • February 21, 2024
  • June 6, 2024
  • October 22, 2024