8: No. 6, November 2011
Optimizing Women’s Health in a Title X Family Planning Program, Baltimore County, Maryland, 2001-2004
This flow chart depicts a typical WELL visit: 1) while in the waiting room, women are introduced to written and video educational materials about WELL service topics; 2) a counselor or clinician identifies women who need primary care screenings and counseling and body mass index is calculated; 3) lab tests are completed; 4) WELL services such as nutrition counseling and immunization are administered by a clinician, counselor, or health educator; 5) the exit nurse makes any necessary referrals or follow-up appointments. Notably, there is much overlap and flexibility in the specific order or provider of the WELL service.
Figure. Women Enjoying Life Longer (WELL) service
integration during a family planning visit. Abbreviation: TSH,
thyroid-stimulating hormone.
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