Remote Access

The access system allows researchers to remotely submit code to an automated system to analyze restricted data.

Before You Begin

  1. Not all datasets are allowed on the remote access system. In most cases the RDC Analyst will make you aware of this before approval; however, we reserve the right to deny remote access at any time during your RDC experience.
  2. The remote access system does not allow all SAS/ SAS-callable SUDAAN procedures.
  1. Register for remote access. You must use a secure university, government, or corporate e-mail address to receive output. Free or web-based e-mail accounts cannot be used, even in forwarding mode.
    • Remote access rights are only granted to one person. Only that person can submit data requests and receive output from the remote access system.
  1. Ensure that you are able to use an FTP client on the computer(s) you intend to use for analysis.
  2. Agree to the terms of use in the email you receive from the remote access system administrator outlining the procedures and rules for using the RDC remote access system. You must send a reply email agreeing to comply with these rules” before access is granted.
  3. Additional documentation will be provided once you have been granted access. Please read this documentation carefully.


  1. At no time will you be able to see individual level data not will you have direct access to the data. You will send programming code via FTP and receive output via e-mail.
  2. Analysis and resulting output must be within the scope of the approved proposal. Discuss any changes to your analysis plan with your RDC Analyst, since it may result in a new access mode, new proposal, or amendment.
  3. Temporary datasets are created in the “work” directory. All the values and information stored in the “work” directory will disappear as soon as SAS finishes execution of your job. Any attempt to write to the hard drive will abort your run and the system record the violation.
  4. You are allocated a single slot for submissions. Any job received while the slot is full will be eliminated without any communication.
  5. The system will allow up to one hour to run your SAS code in any single submission. Please submit code accordingly (e.g. instead of submitting large program, submit many shorter ones).
  6. All SAS code and output undergo disclosure review. Output that poses a disclosure risk will be suppressed. Additional cells or values may be suppressed to maintain confidentiality (complementary suppression).
  7. The remote system delivers the log and output in a text file via email. Output larger than 5MB may not be delivered.
  8. Although the remote system can be accessed at any time, your comments, suggestions, and questions regarding performance, operations, and availability will be addressed during normal business hours.
  9. We do not provide technical support for SAS or SAS-callable SUDAAN.
  10. Any attempt to circumvent the remote access to obtain prohibited information (e.g. items that do not pass disclosure review) will result in an immediate suspension of the account and possible legal actions.

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