Mining Publication: Development of a Fault-Rupture Environment in 3D: A Numerical Tool for Examining the Mechanical Impact of a Fault on Underground Excavations

Original creation date: January 2019

Authors: B Kim, M Larson

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - February 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20054014

Int J Min Sci Technol 2019 Jan; 29(1):105-111

While faults are commonly simulated as a single planar or non-planar interface for a safety or stability analysis in underground mining excavation, the real 3D structure of a fault is often very complex, with different branches that reactivate at different times. Furthermore, these branches are zones of nonzero thickness where material continuously undergoes damage even during interseismic periods. In this study, the initiation and the initial evolution of a strike-slip fault was modeled using the FLAC3D software program. The initial and boundary conditions are simplified, and mimic the Riedel shear experiment and the constitutive model in the literature. The FLAC3D model successfully replicates and creates the 3D fault zone as a strike-slip type structure in the entire thickness of the model. The strike-slip fault structure and normal displacement result in the formation of valleys in the model. Three panels of a longwall excavation are virtually placed and excavated beneath a main valley. The characteristics of stored and dissipated energy associated with the panel excavations are examined and observed at different stages of shear strain in the fault to evaluate bump potential. Depending on the shear strain in the fault, the energy characteristics adjacent to the longwall panels present different degrees of bump potential, which is not possible to capture by conventional fault simulation using an interface.

First page of Development of a Fault-Rupture Environment in 3D: A Numerical Tool for Examining the Mechanical Impact of a Fault on Underground Excavations
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - February 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20054014

Int J Min Sci Technol 2019 Jan; 29(1):105-111

Page last reviewed: May 29, 2019
Page last updated: May 29, 2019