Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: Provisional Data for January 2008

National Vital Statistics Report, Volume 57, Number 3

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Technical Notes

Data shown here are provisional and include only events occurring within the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia). Provisional birth, death, and infant death data in this report are based on a combination of counts of events provided by each reporting area and registered vital events processed into National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) data files. Some of these may not have occurred in the specified month of this report. Monthly provisional birth, death, and infant death data may be updated during the course of a data year. Updates based on registered events will be included in the month the event occurred. However, updates based on counts received from the states may include the event in the month it was processed rather than the month in which it occurred. This may result in a low figure for a given month followed by a high figure for the month(s) in which the delayed records were processed. Once the provisional data year has ended, updates cease. Thus, provisional birth, death, and infant death data may not accurately track either the preliminary or the final number of events registered.

Marriage and divorce data in this report are counts of all events occurring in the state that were received in the registration offices during the 1-month period. Divorce figures include reported annulments. There is considerable variability among the states in the procedures that are used to submit the counts of marriages and divorces to NCHS and in the extent to which the states update their counts of marriages and divorces as new information is received. Therefore, counts vary in their completeness. Marriage and divorce counts, unlike other provisional data, may be updated after the end of a data year if final counts are provided by the state. Readers seeking further information on this should contact NCHS at

Tables A and B provide monthly, year-to-date, and 12-month ending counts and rates for births, deaths (excluding fetal deaths), and marriages, and 12-month ending rates for divorces. These counts include events occurring in the United States to nonresidents of the United States and differ from the data in preliminary and final reports that are based on place of residence. Birth, death, and infant death figures (death and infant death figures exclude fetal deaths) in Table 1 for each state are estimates by state of residence. These estimates are derived by applying adjustment ratios to the number of events recorded as occurring in the state during a 1-month period. The adjustment ratios for each data year represent the observed relationship between final state occurrence figures and final state residence figures for the 3 most recent years for which final data were available and are expressed as a single ratio for each state for births and deaths. Monthly state marriage and divorce figures shown in Table 2 represent the actual count of all events occurring in the state (state of occurrence) and are not adjusted by state of residence.

Until 1998, provisional totals for births, marriages, and divorces for the entire United States included corrections for observed differences between provisional and final figures. These corrections compensated for delays in reporting. Beginning with data for January 1998, these monthly corrections for births, marriages, and divorces have been discontinued. Further information on these changes has been provided in the National Vital Statistics Reports presenting provisional data for January (vol. 48, no. 1), February (vol. 48, no. 2), and March (vol. 48, no. 4) 1999, available from the National Center for Health Statistics website.

NCHS has ceased publishing divorce counts and rates based on provisional data from the combined 50 states because it is no longer statistically feasible to calculate estimates of monthly divorce counts for nonreporting states (California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, and Minnesota). Instead, NCHS publishes only the 12-month divorce rates shown in Table A, based solely on the combined counts and populations for reporting states and the District of Columbia. Aggregate 1-month, cumulative counts and rates, and 12-month counts for divorces have been discontinued because of their very limited usefulness when based on less than the full complement of states. Monthly marriage and divorce counts as reported by each state will continue to be shown in Table 2 .

In 2006, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana temporarily suspended collection of marriage counts (Louisiana does not provide NCHS with divorce counts; see previous paragraph). National marriage counts and rates shown in Table A for 2006 exclude Louisiana data. Populations for these marriage rates also exclude Louisiana. Louisiana reinstated the collection of marriage counts in 2007.

Population estimates used for computing rates originate from the U.S. Census Bureau and are based on the 2000 census. Monthly rates are based on populations estimated for the specific month. Year-to-date rates are averages of monthly rates that have been weighted by the number of days in the corresponding months. Rates for 12-month periods are the sum of events for the period per population estimated at the midpoint of the period. Populations have been estimated by NCHS for the 12-month divorce rates based on the 44 reporting states and the District of Columbia. Monthly infant mortality rates are based on relatively few events and are highly variable. As a result, NCHS has discontinued publishing provisional monthly state specific infant mortality rates. National monthly infant mortality rates will continue to be available in Tables A and B .

List of Detailed Tables

  1. Provisional number of live births and deaths: Each state and Puerto Rico, January 2006-2008
  2. Provisional number of marriages and divorces: Each state and Puerto Rico, January 2006-2008


This report was prepared by Betzaida Tejada-Vera of the Mortality Statistics Branch (MSB) and Paul D. Sutton of the Reproductive Statistics Branch (RSB) of the Division of Vital Statistics (DVS) under the general direction of Stephanie J. Ventura, Chief, RSB, and Charles J. Rothwell, Director, DVS. Connie Gentry, Kathy Holiday, Chrissy Jarman, Susan McBroom, and Pam Stephenson of the Data Acquisition and Evaluation Branch (DAEB) were responsible for acquisition of the provisional data. Brenda Green, Kryn Krautheim, David Justice, Jenny Justice, and Adrienne Rouse, also of DAEB, evaluated the quality of the provisional data. This report was edited by Megan M. Cox and Demarius V. Miller, CDC/CCHIS/NCHM/Division of Creative Services, Writer-Editor Services Branch, and typeset by Jacqueline M. Davis of CDC/CCHIS/NCHM/Division of Creative Services.

Copyright information

All material appearing in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.

Suggested citation

Tejada-Vera B, Sutton PD. Births, marriages, divorces, and deaths: Provisional data for January 2008. National vital statistics reports; vol 57 no 3. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2008.


Table A

Table A1. Provisional vital statistics for the United States, January 2008

[Rates for infant deaths are deaths under 1 year per 1,000 live births; fertility rates are live births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years; all other rates are per 1,000 total population. National data are based on events occurring in the United States, regardless of place of residence. Data are subject to monthly reporting variation. See “Technical Notes“]

Item January 2008 (Number) January 2007 (Number) January 2008 (Rate) January 2007 (Rate)
Live births 359,000 355,000 14.0 13.9
Fertility rate 68.2 67.2
Deaths 222,000 222,000 8.6 8.7
Infant deaths 2,400 2,400 6.7 6.8
Natural increase 137,000 133,000 5.4 5.2
Marriages1 135,000 132,000 5.2 5.2
Population base (in millions) 303.1 300.9

See footnotes at end of Table A2

Table A2. Provisional vital statistics for the United States, January 2008

[Rates for infant deaths are deaths under 1 year per 1,000 live births; fertility rates are live births per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years; all other rates are per 1,000 total population. National data are based on events occurring in the United States, regardless of place of residence. Data are subject to monthly reporting variation. See “Technical Notes“]

Item 12 months ending with January 2008 (Number) 12 months ending with January 2007 (Number) 12 months ending with January 2008 (Rate) 12 months ending with January 2007 (Rate) 12 months ending with January 2006 (Rate)
Live births 4,318,000 4,284,000 14.3 14.3 14.0
Fertility rate 69.2 69.0 66.8
Deaths 2,415,000 2,418,000 8.0 8.1 8.2
Infant deaths 28,600 28,300 6.6 6.6 6.7
Natural increase 1,903,000 1,866,000 6.3 6.2 5.8
Marriages1 2,208,000 2,208,000 7.3 7.4 7.6
Divorces2 3.6 3.7 3.6
Population base (in millions) 302.5 299.4 296.8

… Category not applicable.

— Data not available.

1 All marriage figures for 2006 and 12-month ending marriage figures for 2007 exclude data for Louisiana. Populations for these marriage rates also exclude Louisiana.

2 Divorce figures exclude data for California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, and Minnesota. Populations for divorce rates also exclude these states.

NOTE: Figures include all revisions received from the states and, therefore, may differ from those previously published; see “Technical Notes“.

Table B

Table B1. Provisional number and rate of live births, by month: United States, January 2007-January 2008

[National data are based on events occurring in the United States, regardless of place of residence. Data are provisional and are subject to monthly reporting variation; see “Technical Notes“]

Period Number Rate per 1,000 population Rate per 1,000 population (Unadjusted) Rate per 1,000 women aged 15-44 (Seasonally adjusted1)
January 2007 355,000 13.9 67.2 70.4
February 2007 327,000 14.2 68.5 69.9
March 2007 361,000 14.1 68.2 69.1
April 2007 338,000 13.6 65.9 66.9
May 2007 362,000 14.1 68.4 69.3
June 2007 356,000 14.3 69.4 69.1
July 2007 379,000 14.8 71.6 68.9
August 2007 390,000 15.2 73.6 71.1
September 2007 368,000 14.8 71.8 67.7
October 2007 371,000 14.4 69.9 69.5
November 2007 353,000 14.1 68.8 70.2
December 2007 356,000 13.8 67.2 68.3
January 2008 359,000 14.0 68.2 71.8

See footnotes at end of Table B2

Table B2. Provisional number and rate of marriages, deaths, and infant deaths, by month: United States, January 2007-January 2008

[National data are based on events occurring in the United States, regardless of place of residence. Data are provisional and are subject to monthly reporting variation; see “Technical Notes“]

Period Number of marriages Marriage rate per 1,000 population Number of deaths Death rate per 1,000 population Number of infant deaths Infant death rate per 1,000 live births
January 2007 132,000 5.2 222,000 8.7 2,400 6.8
February 2007 144,000 6.2 204,000 8.9 2,200 6.6
March 2007 156,000 6.1 216,000 8.5 2,600 7.1
April 2007 162,000 6.6 203,000 8.2 2,300 6.8
May 2007 189,000 7.4 199,000 7.8 2,500 7.0
June 2007 222,000 9.0 188,000 7.6 2,300 6.5
July 2007 245,000 9.5 194,000 7.6 2,300 6.3
August 2007 230,000 8.9 191,000 7.4 2,500 6.5
September 2007 201,000 8.1 187,000 7.5 2,400 6.5
October 2007 201,000 7.8 198,000 7.7 2,300 6.3
November 2007 174,000 7.0 199,000 8.0 2,400 6.8
December 2007 148,000 5.7 214,000 8.3 2,300 6.5
January 2008 135,000 5.2 222,000 8.6 2,400 6.7

1 The method of seasonal adjustment, developed by the U.S. Census Bureau, is described in The X-11 Variant of the Census Method II Seasonal Adjustment Program, Technical Paper No. 15 (1967 revision).

NOTE: Figures include all revisions received from the states and, therefore, may differ from those previously published; see “Technical Notes“.

Table 1

Table 1a. Provisional number of live births: Each state and Puerto Rico, January 2006-2008

[Data are estimates by state of residence]

Area January 2008 January 2007 January 2006
Alabama 5,576 5,371 5,055
Alaska 872 864 820
Arizona 10,979 8,737 8,150
Arkansas 2,296 3,474 3,275
California 46,540 46,325 44,672
Colorado 5,737 5,802 5,493
Connecticut 3,374 3,419 3,284
Delaware 945 942 922
District of Columbia 657 622 609
Florida 20,470 20,427 19,329
Georgia 13,349 12,526 11,936
Hawaii 1,604 1,528 1,635
Idaho 2,181 2,008 1,840
Illinois 13,739 14,530 14,129
Indiana 7,305 7,347 7,089
Iowa 3,213 3,221 3,127
Kansas 3,501 3,492 3,274
Kentucky 4,852 5,003 4,672
Louisiana 5,542 5,634 4,915
Maine 1,054 1,192 1,107
Maryland 6,615 6,725 6,351
Massachusetts 6,302 6,214 6,244
Michigan 11,130 10,315 10,157
Minnesota 5,965 6,011 5,764
Mississippi 4,011 3,989 3,691
Missouri 6,690 6,552 6,517
Montana 1,022 974 943
Nebraska 2,201 2,130 2,086
Nevada 3,059 3,366 3,193
New Hampshire 1,177 1,181 1,145
New Jersey 9,172 9,471 9,297
New Mexico 2,695 2,545 2,335
New York 21,035 21,128 20,377
North Carolina 11,069 10,924 10,311
North Dakota 717 718 680
Ohio 12,112 12,358 12,056
Oklahoma 4,626 4,633 4,320
Oregon 3,820 3,862 3,717
Pennsylvania 12,067 12,264 11,977
Rhode Island 978 1,026 971
South Carolina 5,340 5,415 4,660
South Dakota 1,055 968 906
Tennessee 7,145 7,143 6,708
Texas 34,231 33,606 32,927
Utah 4,382 4,282 4,066
Vermont 497 503 474
Virginia 9,228 9,189 8,676
Washington 7,218 7,258 6,687
West Virginia 1,830 1,696 1,658
Wisconsin 5,799 5,868 5,584
Wyoming 652 626 618
Puerto Rico 3,911 4,080 3,862

See footnotes at end of Table 1b

Table 1b. Provisional number of deaths: Each state and Puerto Rico, January 2006-2008

[Data are estimates by state of residence]

Area January 2008 January 2007 January 2006
Alabama 4,328 4,315 4,157
Alaska 298 313 278
Arizona 4,748 4,313 4,710
Arkansas 2,068 2,568 2,471
California 22,737 22,617 22,382
Colorado 2,824 2,727 2,624
Connecticut 2,606 2,612 2,670
Delaware 656 652 642
District of Columbia 459 475 454
Florida 14,294 15,058 15,836
Georgia 5,874 5,880 6,123
Hawaii 871 826 765
Idaho 905 987 928
Illinois 9,145 9,151 9,034
Indiana 4,994 4,989 4,818
Iowa 2,579 2,553 2,349
Kansas 2,255 2,222 2,381
Kentucky 3,311 3,520 3,621
Louisiana 4,022 3,464 3,628
Maine 1,085 1,086 1,077
Maryland 3,837 4,026 3,906
Massachusetts 4,843 4,848 4,813
Michigan 7,725 7,958 7,416
Minnesota 3,451 3,359 3,162
Mississippi 2,681 2,609 2,627
Missouri 5,264 5,028 5,032
Montana 781 746 722
Nebraska 1,380 1,475 1,326
Nevada 1,859 1,799 1,803
New Hampshire 902 916 835
New Jersey 5,949 5,596 7,320
New Mexico 1,289 1,337 1,319
New York 12,828 13,701 13,428
North Carolina 6,893 6,762 6,844
North Dakota 487 483 509
Ohio 9,828 9,679 9,142
Oklahoma 3,431 3,350 3,397
Oregon 2,682 2,796 2,613
Pennsylvania 11,629 11,627 11,083
Rhode Island 878 934 806
South Carolina 3,400 3,446 3,276
South Dakota 616 649 614
Tennessee 5,141 5,141 4,933
Texas 14,339 15,289 15,005
Utah 1,280 1,317 1,331
Vermont 451 536 475
Virginia 5,221 5,252 5,184
Washington 4,111 4,229 4,165
West Virginia 1,864 1,840 1,833
Wisconsin 4,215 4,154 4,038
Wyoming 385 404 399
Puerto Rico 2,557 2,535 2,367

NOTE: Figures include all revisions received from the states and, therefore, may differ from those previously published; see “Technical Notes“.

Table 2

Table 2a. Provisional number of marriages: Each state and Puerto Rico, January 2006-2008

[By state of occurrence]

Area January
2008 1
January 2007 January 2006
Alabama 1,251 2,474 2,310
Alaska 440 380 282
Arizona2 3,739 3,311 3,543
Arkansas 1,457 1,360 2,086
California 13,106 13,495 13,434
Colorado 2,832 1,308 1,669
Connecticut 216 628 760
Delaware 389 334 189
District of Columbia 107 87 82
Florida 12,017 10,023 9,573
Georgia 2,920 5,302 5,461
Hawaii 1,184 994 1,728
Idaho 974 1,193 690
Illinois 1,343 3,132 3,164
Indiana 4,816 2,882 3,508
Iowa 933 1,129 674
Kansas 1,201 1,222 795
Kentucky 3,307 1,799 1,728
Louisiana 2,337 1,830
Maine 183 156 291
Maryland 1,378 1,560 1,667
Massachusetts 2,048 2,375 1,510
Michigan 1,522 1,646 2,100
Minnesota 1,378 1,298 1,520
Mississippi 1,893 1,388 762
Missouri 3,047 2,111 1,544
Montana 213 250 313
Nebraska 434 623 465
Nevada 9,510 9,510 9,860
New Hampshire 412 490 341
New Jersey 3,534 1,903 2,094
New Mexico3 648 906 909
New York2 11,407 8,543 6,357
North Carolina 4,813 2,905 2,955
North Dakota 240 188 150
Ohio 3,980 4,251 2,721
Oklahoma 1,548 1,572 1,596
Oregon 1,636 3,526 1,134
Pennsylvania 2,211 3,627 3,065
Rhode Island 200 216 242
South Carolina 574 1,200 857
South Dakota 304 327 241
Tennessee 3,289 7,165 3,289
Texas 11,124 11,124 10,720
Utah 728 1,320 1,137
Vermont 261 318 172
Virginia 3,096 3,159 2,996
Washington 2,718 2,526 1,950
West Virginia 783 783 547
Wisconsin 1,614 1,659 1,125
Wyoming 227 216 202
Puerto Rico 1,969 2,027 1,780

See footnotes at end of Table 2b

Table 2b. Provisional number of divorces: Each state and Puerto Rico, January 2006-2008

[By state of occurrence. Divorces include reported annulments]

Area January
2008 1
January 2007 January 2006
Alabama 987 1,731 1,833
Alaska 272 161 228
Arizona2 2,057 2,155 2,074
Arkansas 974 893 1,315
Colorado 1,922 2,026 1,913
Connecticut 1,060 1,122 1,046
Delaware 252 447 222
District of Columbia 38 39 46
Florida 7,482 8,025 6,320
Idaho 476 567 580
Illinois 2,338 2,338 2,004
Iowa 608 778 645
Kansas 875 846 258
Kentucky 1,918 1,396 1,563
Maine 23 12 508
Maryland 848 1,153 1,278
Massachusetts 1,436 1,189 1,463
Michigan 2,351 2,582 3,072
Mississippi 1,725 1,084 1,163
Missouri 1,939 1,650 1,765
Montana 261 220 393
Nebraska 516 108 498
Nevada 1,329 1,249 1,360
New Hampshire 413 468 455
New Jersey 2,586 2,462 2,323
New Mexico3 736 748 761
New York2 4,352 5,781 4,531
North Carolina 2,919 2,858 2,717
North Dakota 137 89 156
Ohio 3,807 3,614 3,261
Oklahoma 1,486 1,364 1,413
Oregon 1,260 1,219 1,125
Pennsylvania 1,372 2,753 2,699
Rhode Island 265 282 245
South Carolina 670 800 876
South Dakota 181 199 201
Tennessee 2,488 3,595 2,488
Texas 6,099 6,099 6,099
Utah 650 400 880
Vermont 292 284 202
Virginia 2,030 2,116 2,170
Washington 2,824 2,384 2,245
West Virginia 629 785 815
Wisconsin 1,628 1,390 1,506
Wyoming 263 195 235
Puerto Rico 1,070 883 1,668

— Data not available.

1 Figures based on monthly counts and may be underreported.

2 Figures for marriages are licenses issued for some counties.

3 Figures for marriages are marriage licenses issued.

NOTE: Figures include all revisions received from the states and, therefore, may differ from those previously published; see “Technical Notes“.