My Child’s Story

James' Story Cover

As a parent, you know your child best. You know your child’s favorite foods and the games he or she likes to play. You know your child as an individual, but also as an important member of your family.

When you’re working with your child’s doctor, it can be helpful to share your insights.

One way to do that is to create a resume of sorts, a printed form you can leave with the doctor that explains who your child is within the family and outlines his or her medical history. This can also be a great tool for you, putting all your child’s medical information in one place.

Don’t forget to include a photograph. Now each time the doctor opens the medical chart, he or she see the whole child, not just a medical history.

Check out the example here of a fictional child’s story.


Create Your Own Child's Story

When you’re ready to create your own child’s story, remember to include this information:

  • name and birth date;
  • social history, including other family members and pets and where your child goes to school;
  • birth record;
  • medical history including any hospitalizations, contact information for all doctors, medications currently taking, allergies and reaction to any materials; and
  • information about who your child is, including his or her hobbies and favorite things.

Now make copies and share them with everyone who has a hand in the medical care of your child.