Practice recommendation
Implementation checklist
Select and use appropriate PEP regimens. |
HCF should develop a policy for the selection
and use of PEP antiretroviral regimens for HIV exposures
within their institution. |
Hepatitis B vaccine and HBIG should be
available for timely administration. |
HCF should have access to resources
with expertise in the selection and use of
PEP. |
Provide access to counseling for exposed HCP. |
HCF should provide counseling for HCP who
might need help dealing with the emotional effect of an
exposure. |
HCF should provide medication adherence counsel ing to assist HCP in completing HIV PEP
as necessary. |
Monitor for adverse effects of PEP. |
HCP taking antiretroviral PEP should be monitored periodically for adverse effects of PEP through
baseline and testing (every 2 weeks) and
clinical evaluation. |
Monitor for seroconversion. |
HCF should develop a system to
encourage exposed HCP to return for follow-up testing. |
Exposed HCP should be tested for HCV and HIV. |
Monitor exposure management programs. |
HCF should develop a system to monitor
reporting and management of occupational exposures to ensure timely and appropriate response. |
- exposure reports for completeness
and accuracy,
- access to care (i.e., the time of exposure to the
time of evaluation), and
- laboratory result reporting time.
- exposures to ensure that HCP exposed to sources not infected with
bloodborne pathogens do not receive PEP or that PEP is stopped.
- completion rates of HBV vaccination and
- completion of exposure