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The MMWR Recommendations and Reports
contain in-depth articles that relay policy statements for prevention and treatment on all
areas in CDC's scope of responsibility (e.g., recommendations from the Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices).
November 17, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-14
September 29, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-13
September 22, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-12
September 8, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-11
August 18, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-10
July 21, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-09
July 14, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-08
July 7, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-07
June 16, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-06
June 16, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-05
April 28, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-04
April 21, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-03
March 17, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-02
February 17, 1995 / Vol. 44 / No. RR-01